Sunday, December 22, 2013

Everything is Political

Nothing anyone can say will get by without offending someone. Everything seems to be politicized lately. Everything bothers at least one group of people.

The latest Colorado school shooter was a socialist. Phil Robertson is homophobic, in spite of the fact that he used to bible to make his statement about gays. The Washington Redskins name is an insult to native Americans who used to be called Indians but that offended people from India and Indians born here. The New York and San Francisco Giants offends little people who used to be called midgets but were offended by that title. The Broncos, Panthers, and Jaguars probably offends PETA, an organization who likes critters more than they like people. Everyone is so easily offended about everything.

And now Cracker Barrel is boycotting Duck Dynasty goods because of Robertson. Should white people boycott Cracker Barrel because it has "cracker" in its title? At least Walmart is hanging tough.

Companies feel they have to take a stand either for or against Phil Robertson. That's because everything has become a political issue. Where Cracker Barrel refuses to support the duck dudes, Walmart is being tolerant. Where GLAAD calls for tolerance of being gay, lesbian, transgender people, or whatever else is left, Christians and Jews seem to be the only real tolerant groups that exist. Islam? Forget about it. Just don't be gay, atheist, Jewish or Christian in the land of Muhammad lovers. GLAAD has yet to address Islam's violent anti-gay stance.

When a child is murdered in school by a crazed gunman, (usually the gunman turns out to be a mentally ill classmate), the left steps in and calls for more gun control, as if that has ever solved the problem. Gun control should have never been discussed right after Columbine HS, Arapahoe HS, and the movie shootings in Aurora. Tragedies should never become talking points for gun control until after the funerals. Maybe dealing with mental health issues would help.

She never said this but ...
But then some conservatives also muddy up the political waters by misquoting the left. For example, Diane Feinstein (D-CA) never actually said that all military veterans are mentally ill and therefore should not be allowed to own guns; what she said was that veterans shouldn't be exempt from her proposed and stupid assault weapons ban. She cited PTSD as a reason we should be concerned but not all who suffer from it, not all veterans should be banned. So even we conservatives confabulate things to agree with our beliefs.

Now it seems like the country is going nanny state what with Food Stamps, Welfare, and Obamacare making it easy to sit back and let someone else do the work. The military is not respected by this administration, and even before going away on vacation to Hawaii, Obama wished us all a good "holiday season," as if saying the word "Christmas" was a leftist sin. A Long Island middle school left out the name of Jesus in "Silent Night." What are they thinking? What is happening in this country? Why are we, the majority of Americans, allowing the minority to dictate what we say and take away our rights under the US Constitution?

Everything is political.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

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