Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Weapon Control and Idiots

If you're going to try and legislate gun laws it might be a good idea to know what a gun is. Of course, if you were in the military, you never called a weapon a "gun," because one is for shooting and one is for fun, as they say, but you get the drift.

How Liberals See All Guns
Colorado Rep. Diana DeGette, a Dumbocrat, hasn't a clue of what a gun is, much less what a "magazine" is, and she has even less of a clue as to how they work--but she wants to be able to regulate them. She couldn't regulate her house thermostat. Here's the dimwit's quote: ”I will tell you these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those now they’re going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available.”

Let us pray that people of the lawless pursuasion do not figure out that once their weapons magazine is spent of bullets (military guys know them as "rounds"), they can go to the bullet store and buy refills, just like they can for their ballpoint pens.

And let's not tell New York Govenor Cuomo that it's generally a bad idea to legislate the police out of their guns while doing nothing to stop those who might use guns to put holes in them with illegal firearms. He had to repeal his own law--the greenies must be upset about his waste of trees.

Now we have a scary term that sure to frighten the bejeezus out of folks from the left: "ASSAULT WEAPONS." These are scary looking rifles, generally semi-automatic, but they look like they can take out a platoon of Recon Marines and SEALs, and whenever a gun control advocate sees one, she or he experiences the vapors and may swoon uncontrollably. But what is an assault weapon really? Aren't all weapons assault weapons? The term is used by the left to make semi-automatics sound like granade launchers, flame throwers, and bazookas (that would be a 3.5 mm rocket launcher to you ex-marines).

If just one teacher, janitor or administrative staff had a firearm at Sandy Hook on that fateful day, Adam Lanza would not have been able to kill as many as he did. The number of rounds in his weapons had nothing to do with the number of innocents slaughtered. It was the fact that there was nobody able to retaliate. No gun control law would have done anything to have stopped him--only a firearm would have.

The problem is not gun control laws. The problem is mental health issues and the way violence has become part of our entertainment in the movies and videos. The problem is also the idiots who refuse to actually look deeper into what may be the causal stimuli to the violence because the entertainment industry makes huge financial contributions that keep these idiots in power.

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