Sunday, March 26, 2023

NYC teachers union hosting seminar on 'harmful effects of blackness in our lives'

Erica Sandoval: what a real race hustler looks like

Just kidding. 

The United Federation of Teachers would never get away with hosting a seminar titled "The Harmful Effects of Blackness In Our Lives," silly. It's actually called the "Harmful Effects of Whiteness In Our Lives." That kind of racism is acceptable and makes for great cocktail talk among the woke white folk who need to virtue signal and are actually signaling their soft bigotry of low expectations.

When you put the shoe on the other foot, you can easily see the racism, but it's like Chris Rock using the "n" word, as if that's acceptable for some reason.

The United Federation of Teachers’ online seminar, dubbed “Holding the Weight on Whiteness,” is scheduled for Monday, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., and will be hosted by Queens-based psychotherapy charlatan and self-proclaimed “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Leader” Erica Sandoval who is hoping to make a financial killing with the title she gave herself.

UFT members who are licensed mental health professionals can earn two hours of credit toward their continuing education credentials, which can eventually result in a higher salary and a considerable reduction in IQ.

The workshop costs $25 to attend and will focus on “key cultural themes … related to the Latinx/e communities,” including “internalized racism, privilege, [and] white identity,” according to the union’s website and an Instagram post.

As Dilbert cartoonist and influencer Scott Adams suggested, White people should start using the term "Whitx" just to piss off the woke. He also called out the left for having only one note in their "racism symphony," because they have no viable ideas on how to run things.

“Participants will leave the workshop with a better understanding of how to center ourselves as a form of resistance against the harmful effects of whiteness in our lives, the organizations we work for or direct, and the communities in which we serve,” the racist post ridiculously says. 

The only harmful effects of whiteness is that people will use it to excuse racism and enhance their self loathing. 

The only real harm are the workshops themselves whose only intention is to divide us and distract us from the serious problems in this country: crime, poverty, the economy, open borders, China, Russia, Iran, militant Islam, and family values. 

News of the event has some people angry. 

Council Minority Leader Joe Borelli was contacted by many angry teachers and parents asking why fighting "toxic whiteness" has become a top priority of a leftist union that represents a school system plagued by poor performance in the classroom.

“Why is it important for employees of the New York City Department of Education to serve as a form of resistance against the effects of whiteness in their lives, the Department of Education, and the diverse communities in which they serve, which may consist of white students and families?” wrote Borelli (R-Staten Island) in a letter Friday to Tina Puccio, director of the UFT’s Member Assistance Program.

“To be clear, I don’t actually care what your speakers tell your members in an optional and private seminar.

“I care how members will implement the ‘resistance’ against these ‘harmful effects of whiteness’ when dealing with students and parents as part of their employment with the department.”

About 150,000 students — or 14.7% percent of the overall school population — are white, according to the DOE. They are not toxic nor are their parents as a result of their skin color--to believe otherwise is racist and a setback in our culture.

Maud Maron, a public school parent activist, said the workshop isn’t just “unnecessary,” it’s also “racist and bad for students whose education and well-being should be top of mind for everyone, including the teachers’ union.”

“There is nothing wrong with being white, and the sleight of hand of talking about whiteness is not even a fig’s leaf worth of cover,” she added.

“My kids have a white mom and Latino dad. This training says there is something wrong with mom and absurdly calls dad ‘Latinx’ — a word he would never use.” [That may be due to the fact that it's a word invented by a non-Latino or Latina.] 

When asked about the outrage, UFT spokeswoman Alison Gendar said the union “offers professional development on a range of issues” but didn’t offer additional comment because Alison has no good answer.

Racism sucks and so do the woke racists who divide us.

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