Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Rumor has it Chris Wallace is miffed about CNN+ and his future

Chris Wallace left Fox News to join CNN+ and it turned out to be a career move similar to an F22 fighter pilot joining a Kamikaze unit to end his career. Except in Wallace's case, he thought he was signing up with an elite F35 squadron. He went from first to worst with a streaming service that gets fewer views than a YouTube education channel teaching seashell painting in Portuguese.

Seriously, Wallace went from Fox, the number one cable news network, to CNN, the number one network in fake news, tied with MSNBC, and is lucky to get 10,000 viewers, if that much. Really. 

People who watch Fox News are delighted he's gone. The guy is a flaming liberal whose politics became obvious when he hosted the 2020 presidential debates, in which he made Candy Crowley look unbiased when she hosted the Obama-Romney debacle and gave Barack the answer to a question with which he was having trouble.

Perhaps it was the Jeff Zucker charm that got Chris to abandon Fox's USS Constitution to board CNN's HMS Titanic, a ship that ended with a cold, pitiable gurgle. Then Zucker resigned in a scandal having to do with an affair with a colleague and ending in the Cuomo garbage heap, but Wallace wasn't expecting this, that's for sure.

But Wallace should have seen what he was getting into, at least to some degree better than he did. His contempt for Fox News was too much for him to continue to digest, and that made leaving a lot easier.

Now, according to a report, he’s throwing daily tantrums over how bad CNN+ sucks.

Reliable sources say Wallace is "having daily breakdowns," over the "miserable launch" of CNN+ and a reliable source says Chris wants a "CNN show or is threatening to walk," or in Wallace's case, to take a limo home.

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Supposedly, Wallace is having staffers count how many times a day his promo is playing, and is pushing for Fredo Cuomo's time slot.

One can only imagine what the Lemon-Wallace handoff would look like if that dream of his comes true.

LEMON: I love you, Chris.

WALLACE: You must have me confused with another Chris.

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