Friday, April 29, 2022

Ministry of Our Truth czar wouldn't know truth if it bit her on her butt

The PINO Biden administration is now openly showing their Orwellian side as they have chosen a person to head a Disinformation Governance Board, as part of the DHS. 

The person heading this Ministry of Our Truth, as it should be called, is a bizarre Mary Poppins fan named Nina Jankowicz. 

I refer to her as a Mary Poppins fan only because of a TikTok video she made in which she sang a song to the tune of Supercalifragilisticexpialodocious" about fake news. People who saw the video were upset with her for not taking the issue seriously. Now she's going to be the one to determine what is her truth versus the truth. 

In other words, the failing Biden administration wants to do what social media has done with free speech, and quash it, like they did with so many conservatives, including a sitting President, Donald Trump. It's exploding their heads that Elon Musk has bought Twitter, the only tech giant not on the far-left, and plans to allow open dialogue on both sides of the aisle.

Hopefully, you clicked on the video [at the above link] and watched Big Brother Jankowicz's performance--her voice isn't bad.

Some of the lyrics to the song are:
“Information laundering is really quite ferocious. It’s when a huckster takes some lies and makes them sound precocious, by saying them in Congress or a mainstream outlet, so disinformation’s origins are slightly less atrocious.”
It goes on and you can listen to it if you must.

Jankowicz as some kind of disinformation czar is like making Hunter Biden the head of the DEA. She was quick to say that Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation and of course, was proven wrong.

"Back on the ‘laptop from hell,’ apparently—Biden notes 50 former natsec officials and 5 former CIA heads that believe the laptop is a Russian influence op. Trump says ‘Russia, Russia, Russia,’" Jankowicz tweeted in October 2020.

After the tweet resurfaced and conservatives jumped on it, comrade Jankowicz cast doubt on the controversy by claiming it was "simply a direct quote" from the presidential candidates.

Double Speak.

However, a week prior to her tweet about the debate, she said the laptop should be viewed as a "Trump campaign product" during a conversation with the Associated Press.


Now ask yourself why is the DHS involved in this crap in the first place? The agency is generally a waste, but even more significant is that it is supposed to protect the US from terrorist threats, not words. The Soros-funded fool who's heading the DHS, Alexandro Majorkas, is disregarding the actual mission of the department, but they never did a good job of it anyway. Now these clowns want to tell us what's true and what isn't? 

The pretend reason the Disinformation Governance Board was formed right after Musk bought Twitter and the 2022 midterm elections are just around the corner, is to counter online "misinformation" related to COVID-19, elections, and migrant smuggling. But really it's about elections and the other stuff is just stuffing.

Jankowicz, a Wilson Center global fellow [and Woodrow Wilson was a far-far-left a-hole who got us into war] upset a lot of normal people after it was found that she has pushed false and/or misleading information herself.

In March 2020 she announced that Facebook was providing the World Health Organization as well as other groups, as many free ads as they wanted for COVID-19 response, when she quoted and posted a tweet from Rob Leathern, who'd worked at the FB on integrity products.

"This is good. Now hope the rest of the adtech industry stops placing ads for mask and worse (straight up disinfo!) on articles and info about coronavirus," Jankowicz wrote on Twitter.

She was touting Pope Fauci and others in the U.S. health industry who, at that time was saying masks should not be worn. Fauci later admitted he lied [calling it a 'noble lie'] because he was concerned there wouldn't be enough PPE equipment to protect frontline health care workers. This was also at a time when health "experts" first said they didn't fully know how contagious coronavirus was or how it spread.


Jankowicz also hyped up Chris Steele, the former British spy whose fake dossier was used in part as the impetus for the investigation into whether Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 presidential election. As we all know, the dossier has since been discredited as dubiously sourced and full of innuendo, rumor, or information that was already publicly available.

"Listened to this last night – Chris Steele (yes THAT Chris Steele) provides some great historical context about the evolution of disinfo. Worth a listen," Jankowicz wrote in August 2020.

And there's much more, including her tweets during Hillary Clinton's campaign when she posted this: "Maybe @HillaryClinton's most important point so far: 'A @realDonaldTrumppresidency would embolden ISIS.' #ImWithHer."

Disinformation: the Islamic State collapsed under Trump and now, under PINO Biden, the Taliban has made a comeback.

During a conversation with NPR just days ago, Jankowicz discussed Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter. She was concerned that "free speech absolutists" would have negative consequences for marginalized communities on social media platforms. She reiterated her point in an April 25 tweet. 

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Whenever someone uses the term "free speech absolutist," know that they are extremists and fascists who want the power to determine what is and is not acceptable. When the issue came up that conservatives would not wear masks unless forced to do so she wrote: "So force away! Lock us down. People are not taking this seriously." 

No Mary Poppins, we are taking it seriously, you fascist! You don't get to dictate what is true and what is fake.

There is no doubt whatsoever that Jankowicz is a far-left operative and as Big Brother will suppress the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. 

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