Thursday, April 7, 2022

CNN's Brian Stelter gets ripped a new one re: his "failing show"

Compromised News Network's Brian Stelter, who is not gay, has a lot to be worried over. His new boss, John Malone thinks it's time for the light weight fat man to go. 

Malone, the biggest shareholder of Discovery, blasted Stelter in an informal meeting with the company's top brass, according to a report. Discovery is the parent company of CNN and Stelter's future at the failing fake news network depends on what Malone decides to do with him.

Jon Nicosia, former editor of the Washington Examiner, broke the story about Malone's thoughts about Stelter, who is not gay and allegedly has a thyroid problem which accounts for his hearty frame.

Malone dubbed Stelter as a “cancer,” criticizing his close relationship with disgraced former CNN president Jeff Zucker and accusing his show of sucking and being a failure, Nicosia reported.
SOURCE: At a recent (informal) Discovery Board meeting (largest shareholder) John Malone referred to CNN’s Brian Stelter as a “cancer” and a “Zucker Henchman” that has “a failing show” – (more to come)…

— Jon Nicosia (@NewsPolitics) April 5, 2022
The ratings of Stelter’s “Reliable [Anonymous] Sources”  have been circling the bowl now that the Trump era has ended. Now all Stelter does is criticize conservative media and fails to say anything about our PINO and house plant in chief and his failing administration. Stelter didn't even mention the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.

Malone has made it public that he wants to make CNN an actual news outlet instead of an arm of the DNC. Even people at airports who identify as passengers don't bother looking up at the televisions that pump CNN into the terminals.

“I would like to see CNN evolve back to the kind of journalism that it started with, and actually have journalists, which would be unique and refreshing,” said Malone in a November CNBC interview.

What a concept. That might result in an attrition of hoaxes about Russian collusion, etc.

Nicosia previously reported that some of the most partisan hosts at CNN [you know, turd-chuckers like Jim Acosta and Don Lemon] are looking for alternative employment as the merger looms in the near future. 
Resumes are going out at @CNN. Lots not shockingly to @MSNBC. Since Discovery is going to quickly pivot to the middle. Many that have made a ‘brand’ in the ‘resistance’ space see MSNBC as the only island. (See; Acosta, Stelter, Lemon, Darcy)

— Jon Nicosia (@NewsPolitics) March 1, 2022
CNN’s attempt to create new revenue sources with a subscription CNN+ service has generated less income than the Poofume Company, and the former can't even eliminate odors.

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CNN's business clusterfracks might translate into major layoffs at the company, with Nicosia previously reporting that Malone was planning on terminating the employment of the network’s most partisan personalities, who then might have to get off their fat butts and take to the streets as gumshoe reporters.

Discovery’s takeover of CNN could be complete as soon as Friday when its merger with WarnerMedia may be completed.

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