Sunday, January 16, 2022

FBI stymied over motive of synagogue hostage taker who demanded release of Al Qaeda prisoner

The FBI has identified the Islamist who entered a synagogue in Colleyville, Texas, took hostages and demanded the release of Aafia Siddiqui from prison serving an 86 year sentence for trying to kill U.S. troops and more. But the FBI still cannot figure out why the suspect did his hostage taking in a Jewish house of worship on their Sabbath. The fact that anti-Semitism in the U.S. is at a 45-year high shouldn't matter because the suspect was a British national, and British people may have dental situations going on, but as a whole, they are quite nice.

Fortunately for the hostages, none of them were hurt, but the suspect was eventually killed because he had it his way.

The suspect was Malik Faisal Akram, 44, and he died at the scene during a. long standoff Saturday, in the town of Colleyville, located near Fort Worth.

The FBI's Evidence Response Team is looking for clues as to what may have motivated this man to go into a synagogue on Saturday. Of all days to select, he chose the Jewish Sabbath. And why would he demand the release of "Lady al Qaeda" as she is known as in the Islamic terrorist community? 

Siddiqui is a documented anti-Semite but the FBI hasn't established that Akram agreed with her ideology that all Jews should be destroyed along with Israel. Sure, perhaps some of our own politicians may agree with that sentiment, especially the ladies of the squad, but there is no evidence Akram felt the same. Perhaps it was just dumb luck the building he chose was a synagogue. Who knows?

"The FBI’s Evidence Response Team (ERT) will continue processing evidence at the synagogue. At this time, there is no indication that other individuals are involved," FBI Dallas said in an emailed statement, forgetting to mention a significant number in the Islamist community. "The FBI’s North Texas Joint Terrorism Task Force (NTJTTF), which includes member agencies from across the region, will continue to follow investigative leads. An FBI Shooting Incident Review Team (SIRT) will conduct a thorough, factual, and objective investigation of the events."

Maybe they'll be lucky this time.

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The FBI urged anyone with information related to the incident to not submit tips at this time as this tends to jam up their phone lines and crash their internet. They assure us that they will figure it all out within the next few years, but currently they are quite busy working on the Kennedy assassination and 9/11.

Meanwhile, the southern border remains open and FBI agents are hoping to find a traveler, [aka illegal alien] they can rely on to provide them with information about Mr. Akram's motive. 

It's a mystery.

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