Monday, January 17, 2022

Two UK teens arrested in connection with hostage situation at Texas Synagogue

Gone and soon forgotten

A pair of teens were arrested in the UK on Sunday evening in relation to an investigation of the Colleyville, Texas hostage-taking of a rabbi and his three worshipers. The teens were taken into custody by England's Greater Manchester Police and were being questioned, the Independent reported.

While we don't know what the connection the teens had to the hostage standoff, we can safely bet that they are not Jewish and might possibly be of the Islamic faith, jihad style. 

The situation began on Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath at the Congregation Beth Israel, in Colleyville where a British Islamist Malik Faisal Akram, 44, held the victims captive and demanded the release of a female al Qaeda terrorist, Aafia Siddiqui.

Siddiqui, a devout Jew-hater and proud of it, is a Pakistani currently locked up in a federal prison in Texas and is serving an 86-year sentence for various terrorist activities.

The standoff lasted over 10 hours, part of which was seen on Facebook's live stream of the services, and ended with Akram being fatally shot by an FBI team after all four hostages were released unharmed.

Joe Biden, the FBI, the legacy media, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar, had no idea what motivated Akram but it may have had something to do with his anti-Semitic remarks and his attempt at getting a fellow anti-Semite released from prison, but that's pure speculation for the Left.

Alleged President Joe Biden declared the hostage situation an “act of terror,” but said that authorities “just don’t have enough facts” to determine why Akram targeted the synagogue. Then he removed his head from his nether regions and still was confused.

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Biden said he spoke to US Attorney General Merrick Garland about the incident but even Garland didn't know why an anti-Semite would attack a synagogue. 

“We are focused. The Attorney General is focused. I’m making sure that we deal with these kinds of acts,” Biden said unconvincingly.

The only thing Biden is focused on is the Early Bird Special at the Cracker Barrel. 

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