Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Pope Kamala 'will not absolve' wayward senators who refuse to obey their orders

Vice President Kamala Hahahaharris emphatically said through her nose that she is "not going to absolve" Sens. Kirsten Sinema (D-AZ) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) of their sins whereby they are voting in line with the people who voted them into office. "They are standing in the way of progress. If we can get rid of the filibuster, they tell me that it will give the Democratic Party the power to move forward with our agenda," she honked.

She also suggested that certain people are in the way of passing the Freedom to Vote Act, which is a bill designed to allow people of all colors and creeds to vote, even if they had the misfortune of dying, or if they desire to vote for friends and family. The bill also allows people with a poor sense of direction to simply cast their ballot into a mailbox or hand it to a stranger willing to drop it off for them.

What could possibly go wrong?

"It's unconstitutional to keep black people from having to obtain an ID. Many of them don't know how to go about getting one and you're putting an unfair burden on their lives," Harris asserted before laughing for a full 32 seconds.

Harris claimed the United States Senate has the chance and "responsibility to pass these bills" so the alleged President can sign them as directed. "And the resistance to doing that today, or any day, at this time, will not deter us from getting it done, with our without the votes today, I daresay," she rapped.

A so-called reporter asked a followup question about Sens. Manchin and Sinema, to which Harris said with a curious smirk, "As I've said before, there are 100 members of the United States Senate, and I'm not going to absolve — nor should any of us — absolve any member of the United States Senate from taking on a responsibility to follow through on the oath that they all took to support and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Harris has previously said that legislators [i.e, Manchin and Sinema] who do not go along with Biden's voting rights legislation are violating their oath to vote her conscience.

Steve Doocy of Fox News  handed Harris a pocket copy of the U.S. Constitution and a dictionary turned to the word "democracy."

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"When we have the discussion about who’s responsible, I will not absolve the 50 Republicans in the United States Senate from responsibility for upholding one of the most basic and important tenets of our democracy, which is free and fair elections and access to the ballot for all eligible voters," Harris said to NBC News last week.

After Brain Flushings "did the Google," we learned that a Vice President does not have the power to absolve anyone of how they vote, especially when they are members of the opposing Party. Voting is actually a basic tenet of our democracy and is also why the United States is a republic, as opposed to a pure democracy--to prevent the tyranny of the majority-- you know, like if 2 lions and 1 deer had to vote on what's for dinner.

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