Sunday, January 16, 2022

Prince Andrew worries about 'complete financial ruin' from legal costs

Prince Andrew is extremely worried that his legal costs for his Lolita Island sex-capades with Virginia Roberts Giuffre, is going to leave him penniless as his legal bills soar. He has even been stripped of his military titles and royal patronages, but at least he hasn't been "Epsteined" in a prison cell. [Where were the Clintons the day Epstein allegedly 'committed suicide'?]

If things go as they appear to he heading, Giuffre, who was underage at the time Andrew allegedly committed statutory rape, will, with the help of his lawyers, be taking the Duke of York to the royal cleaners.

“Until very recently it appears the absolute enormity of this case and the consequences he faces has not hit him,” a source told the New York Post. “Now the bills are mounting up and the possibility of a settlement, or even worse a judgment against him, is being widely discussed; he fears complete financial ruin.Virginia Roberts Giuffre’s lawsuit says she was forced to have sex with Prince Andrew on multiple occasions.

“There is a very real prospect of him being completely broke.” How not very sad indeed if he's guilty.

Andrew has denied the allegations which, if you believe him, makes you a person who would believe Joe Biden is a very stable genius. His legal costs and PR fees could reach up to $3 million. And he may need to spend another $13.6 million to settle the case with Giuffre. 

Ms. Giuffre asserts in the Manhattan federal lawsuit that she was forced to have sex with Andrew thrice, starting when she was 17.

Speaking of money troubles, Andrew owes $8.2 million to a French socialite Isabelle de Rouve, who sold a Swiss chalet to him and his ex-wife, Sarah Ferguson [aka Fergie] in 2014. Andrew sold the chalet for $23 million.

Andrew was told in person by Queen Elizabeth that he will no longer be known as His Royal Highness but henceforth will be called "Epstein Bro."

“Andrew thought, indeed he was advised, that this would all go away in time, and neither has happened, leaving him facing an extraordinary uphill battle to even salvage any crumb of his reputation,” a source told the Mirror.

The queen will "not assist" her son financially, and Princes William and Charles are "furious" over Andrew's scandal. The queen will, however, pay for Andrew's security detail, which reportedly comes to over $410,000 a year.

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[Fun Fact: Andrew's name for his penis is: "King Richard."]

Meanwhile, Bill Clinton is supporting Hillary's anticipated third try at becoming THE FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! 

Heaven forfend. 

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