Saturday, December 11, 2021

Man with gun shoots home burglar dead in self defense

SEATTLE -- Jerahme Smith, 31, shot and killed a suspected burglar and fired at another man inside his own home.

Smith was at home with his sister when two intruders kicked in his back door. One brandished a weapon which got Smith to thinking, Hmm, I better do something lest he shoot and kill me and sis. So he got his own gun and shot at the alleged burglars or whatever they planned to do once inside somebody else's house.

"When everything first started, the first thing I had to do was take a few breaths and calm myself down because I knew it could have gone one of two ways," he told Fox News. "I didn’t know who they were, I didn’t know what they had, but the first thing I did--and it’s the honest to God truth--is I took a few breaths to myself. That way I knew I was calm enough to make a proper judgment decision."

The Pierce County Sheriff's Department received a call about a home invasion just before 4:30 a.m. from a homeowner who said he shot at intruders. When deputies arrived, they found an unresponsive [because he was dead] suspect, identified as a 24-year-old unidentified man.

No further information about the dead guy has been released but he was declared deader than a doornail a short time later. The second suspect got away and authorities are searching for him.

"The detectives will finish the investigation and forward the case to the Pierce County Prosecutor’s Office for review," the sheriff's department said in a statement.

Smith said he and his wife and three children were living in the rented home for three years. He maintains he acted in self-defense.

"It kind of goes back to your rights. I have the right to carry and I have the right to protect myself and I have the right to protect my property," he said. "Protect yourself. That doesn’t mean go looking for it, that means just be ready."

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Obviously this is true as it was in the Kyle Rittenhouse case, but the left would rather you allowed miscreants to go miscreanting, if that is a real word.

Nearby residents told the news outlet the area has seen an increase in crime as is all Democrat-run cities across America.

"If it ain’t one thing it’s another," said one man, who declined to give his name nor the brand of chewing tobacco he was a spittin'. "That kind of upsets me that we have this kind of crime going on in the neighborhood. It’s not a good feeling because we don’t know—it could be something happening tomorrow, tonight, you know? Same old thing."

Meanwhile, crime marches on.

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