Thursday, November 4, 2021

Climate change worse than the Nazis killing millions of Jews, says Archbishop of Canterbury

G_d and religion are not same thing as priests, rabbis, imams, ministers and other religious leaders. The latter is composed of mere mortals while G_d and how you believe in Him are a separate issue. The latter are therefore fallible and imperfect.

Climate change is real, but it isn't the catastrophe the left would have us believe. That is, global warming isn't going to kill us in the next ten years, as Rep. Alexandria Overtly-Commie (D-NY) would have us believe, but it is clearly a slower process that will have an effect in the next century, and by that time, our technology will deal with it.

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby [no relation to Marcus Welby, M.D.] believes otherwise. He made an interesting, albeit somewhat anti-Semitic pronouncement saying that the impact of climate change is worse than Nazi genocide.

He claimed that politicians who do not tackle environmental issues will be condemned  “in far stronger terms than we speak today of the politicians of the ’30s who ignored what was happening in Nazi Germany.” 

You gotta love the "worse than Nazi" comparisons politicians make that are now being made by a religious leader. 

"Trump's handling of the border is worse than Hitler."

"Telling trans women they cannot compete is mixed martial arts is worse than what happened to the Jews in the Holocaust."

No, burning millions of Jews in ovens, based solely on the religion they were born into or converted to, is worse than global warming, aka climate change.

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Welby has since apologized for his genocidal statement and six million dead Jews are no longer minimized by his thoughtless words.

Welby, the most senior cleric in the Church of England and leader of the worldwide Anglican communion, made the comments in an interview with the BBC at the COP26 summit in Glasgow, where former Vice President Joe Biden allegedly took a dump in his drawers.

Notably, Welby’s father was Jewish, which might cause one to ask: did the archbishop hate his Jewish father so much that he delved into the Episcopal Church so deeply just to spite him? Just kidding. Welby is just a thoughtless archbishop.

Welby tweeted:
I unequivocally apologise for the words I used when trying to emphasise the gravity of the situation facing us at COP26. It’s never right to make comparisons with the atrocities brought by the Nazis, and I’m sorry for the offence caused to Jews by these words.

— Archbishop of Canterbury (@JustinWelby) November 1, 2021
Meanwhile, Reps. Ilhan Omar (Dem socialist/Islamist-MN), Rashida Tlaib (Dem socialist/Hamasshole-MI) and AOC (Dem socialist-NY) cheered the archbishops sentiments with Omar adding: "Divorcing my brother was worse than the Nazi's genocide."

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