Tuesday, October 5, 2021

DOJ, FBI investigating "disturbing spike' in freedom of speech targeting school administrators

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland on Monday has ordered the Federal Bureau of Investigation to investigate a recent spike in people's First Amendment rights, aka, freedom of speech. He labels this freedom as "harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence" against Marxist-inspired school administrators who call for revolution, harassment and threats of violence as also witnessed by leftist. 

When Trump won the presidential election, leftists rampaged through the streets, randomly destroying property and screaming at the sky. The latter was their constitutional right, but not the former whereby innocent people were victimized. Maxine Waters (D-CA) told people to harass Trump supporters from public places and gas stations, and nobody on the Left batted an eye. 

Hillary Clinton divisively called Trump voters "deplorables," and Democrats across the country cheered her on. Some Trump voters were intimidated at their workplace and even terminated before the election. 

Leftists got in the face of GOP members while they sat with their families in restaurants but Garland fails to talk about this kind of intimidation because it comes from the Left.

The Left only likes the U.S. Constitution when it serves their purposes and they undermine it when it protects their political opponents, especially when it comes to the First Amendment.

The Department of Justice [a department whose title has become an oxymoron] published a memo by Garland directing U.S. attorneys and the FBI to work with local officials to identify and curb threats to school administrators. What he defines as "threats" is the anger parents are voicing about schools teaching Marxism and anti-American sentiment in the classrooms. Anger is not the same thing as calls for violence.

“In recent months, there has been a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff who participate in the vital work of running our nation’s public schools,” the memo said, without citing specific examples. “While spirited debate about policy matters is protected under our Constitution, the protection does not extend to threats of violence or efforts to intimidate individuals based on their views."

Spirited debate in Loudon County, Virginia is what sparked Garland's intervention. The school board is being challenged by parents who object to their children being taught Marxist critical race theory. But as far as spirited debate is concerned, they are only allowed to speak for 60 seconds to voice their objections. Tell me, how can the average person get their points across in such a limited period of time? 

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A host of The Daily Wire, Matt Walsh, spoke at one of the school board meetings and was able to quickly and succinctly present his case against the current curriculum. Since Walsh did not live in the school district when he first presented, the school board changed its rules stating that one must live within the district in order to be at the meetings--a ploy designed to get rid of his input. 

So Walsh rented an apartment in the district and his landlady charged him one dollar a month rent just so he can have a voice.

In his initial presentation, Walsh called on school board members to present evidence to back up their universal mask mandate for all students at school. He went on to cite official data on total number of cases for children since the beginning of the pandemic, around 4.2 million, and the extremely low death rate among children, which Walsh compared to the common flu. Forcing students to be masked, he argued, is “cruel” and a form of “child abuse.”

These idiots are running scared because parents don't want their kids being taught how terrible America is, and how they are bad because of their skin color.

Just imagine if Merrick Garland had gotten onto the Supreme Court at the end of the Obama administration when he was nominated but blocked by Mitch McConnell. 

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