Saturday, August 14, 2021

Cori Bush, defund the police advocate, hired police as private security--guess what happened

Freshman Marxist Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) is a former Black Lives Matter riot enthusiast and strong advocate for the defund the police movement. Not surprisingly, the far-Left-lard-butt lunatic hired private security to protect herself because she claims that she's more important than regular folks, and she hired two sheriff's deputies to do the job.

By the way, let's stop calling that group of angry leftists, who blame America for everything bad, while praising communist countries and dictatorships, the "squad." That's much too cool for these anti-American scumwafers. Let's call them the "Economics 101 Dropouts" because they obviously know nothing about the subject. If you have another term you like, feel free to send it.

A recent report revealed the Economics 101 Dropout hired two deputies and spent tens of thousands of dollars while she was calling for the defunding [aka abolition] of law enforcement in order to facilitate the ability of the proletariat to confiscate "free stuff from 'the man'," and allow criminals to roam free.

Big Bush was caught with the deputies on surveillance camera footage while touring multiple St. Louis jails, News 4 reported.

The deputies, Tylance Jackson and Maurice Thompson, were terminated from the police department after the report was published. This was not their first rodeo working for Bush as St. Louis Sheriff Vernon Betts explained to News 4. Not only did the deputies get a warning about working for Bush multiple times before and were told not to do so and were given multiple warnings.

Sheriff Betts also noted that these former deputies did not have the proper licensing to work as security in St. Louis.

Jackson said he believed the firing was unfair but other than using the word 'plethora,' couldn't provide a reasonable explanation regarding his claim.

"I do feel that the hand that was dealt to us was unfair and unjust," Jackson said, using a gambling analogy the same way he took the gamble to work for Bush. "You let us go, but you still have a plethora of individuals doing that but you don't say anything."

An abundance of deputies doing the same thing? Who makes up this plethora? Name names.

Bush, for her part, said that she needs private security because she still has "too much work to do" in Congress, implying that the scope of her job is beyond her capabilities as it's 'too much.'

"They would rather I die?" Bush asked, using the left's favorite ploy that if you don't agree with her having private security then you want her to die. It's the same ploy that if you don't want your child to wear a mask for the 8-hour school day, that means you want children to die. If you don't believe in Black Lives Matter that means you hate black people.

Sadly, some people believe this twisted logic and semantic overload.

 "You would rather me die? Is that what you want to see?" Bush said. "You want to see me die? You know because that could be the alternative."

So does Bush want innocent people to die who would not have police protection, and cannot afford private security, if she had her way? Is she okay with people being killed in Democratic-run cities throughout the country because she wants to defund their police?

She can't have it both ways--using her logic, that's exactly what she's implying--she's just more important than you and me and the children being shot in Chicago. And worse, she would also take away your guns and the right to defend yourself once law enforcement is defunded.

Sorry Bush--all lives matter, and that is not a racist statement--black, white, brown, Asian, and yes, the unborn--they all matter.

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