Friday, August 13, 2021

'Genius' with bad teeth gets nearly 9 years for arson in Minn. riots

The proverbial "s**t-eating grin

If you're dumber than a box of cat litter you ought to not set stores on fire and then post it on Facebook with a blow-by-blow description of your crime. For a cretin from Illinois, that's exactly what he did.

The 29-year-old [with a matching IQ] mouth-breather was sentenced to eight years and nine months in the slammer for setting a Minneapolis store on fire amidst the riots following the death of thug George Floyd. The idiot would have likely gotten away with his crime, but he wanted Facebook fame and posted his crime online, tipping off law enforcement.

[Let's just call him] 'Scumcrumpet Jones,' was busted in Chicago on May 31, 2020 at 2:21 a.m. for violating Chicago's emergency curfew order implemented by Mayor Lori Lightfoot after protests escalated into "mostly peaceful" violent riots.

After the bust, law enforcement went through 'Jones' social media where they found his self-incriminating Facebook posts. He had multiple videos with him in Chicago and is heard saying, "Let's start a riot" and "I'm going to start doing some damage."


On May 29, the genius, who hails from Galesburg, IL,  posted a 2-hour video on Facebook Live showing him committing crimes in Minneapolis. 

"['Jones'] announced that he came 'to riot,' and is depicted handing out artillery-shell fireworks, encouraging violence against law enforcement officers, actively damaging property, breaking into buildings, and looting businesses," according to the Department of Justice.

The silly schmuck was purportedly caught on video saying, "They got SWAT trucks up there . . . I've got some bombs if some of you all want to throw them back . . . bomb them back . . . here I got some more . . . light it and throw it." He is then seen in the video asking for lighter fluid, entering the boarded-up Sprint store in Minneapolis and entering the back room. He knocked boxes into a pile and splashed them with the lighter fluid, then tells a juvenile whom he had taken with him from Galesburg, to light the pile on fire.

The legend in his own mind then fled the building yelling, "I lit it on fire!"

He then allegedly went to loot an Office Depot and is seen on video taking items from the store.

On June 1, 2020, the dickweed was charged with civil disorder, carrying on a riot, and possession of unregistered destructive devices. In April, he pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court to one count of arson. On Tuesday, he was sentenced to eight years and nine months in prison followed by three years of supervised release.

So, while most of these idiots have gotten away with their crimes, this idiot's need for "fame" got him caught. And that is why I refuse to print his full photo and his name. 

Imagine, he's going to spend almost nine years in the barrel.

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