Saturday, August 14, 2021

Who's the real schmuck, Arnold Schmuckeneggar?

Former California Governor, Arnold Schwartzenegger, was spotted just a few days after he called mask-averse Americans "schmucks" and added, "screw your freedom," to those seeking to terminate COVID-19 mandates. 

Ironically, the word "schmuck" comes from the Yiddish, and while it comes to mean a stupid person, the original translation was the vulgar term for penis. Why ironically? Because Schwartzenegger's father, Gustav Schwartzenegger, was a Nazi and you know what the Nazis did to people who spoke Yiddish.

Arnold's father enlisted in the Wehrmacht in November 1939, and gained the rank of Hauptfeldwebel (Company 1st Sergeant) of the Feldgendarmerie. Anyone who knows anything about the Nazis knows they weren't big on people's freedom, and when it came to certain groups of people, they weren't keen on allowing them to live.

Earlier in the week, Arnold made his case for people not to argue about being forced to wear a mask in order to pretend they are being protected from coronavirus.

"People should know there is a virus here," he said during an op-ed for The Atlantic on Friday. "It kills people, and the only way we prevent it is to get vaccinated, wear masks, do social distancing, washing your hands all the time, and not just to think about, ‘Well, my freedom is being kind of disturbed here.'"

He later shared in the piece titled, "Don’t Be a Schmuck. Put on a Mask," that he knew he’d be "called a RINO" but it "doesn’t bother" him because he is what he is: a RINO and a schmuck.

Schwarzenegger later said: "I’ll admit, calling people schmucks and saying ‘Screw your freedom’ was a little much," though he still stood by the statement.

But he was spotted with a cigar in mouth, wearing a cowboy hat, a gray tee shirt and black shorts with shades. Of course, he WAS NOT WEARING A MASK! How could he smoke his cigar and wear a mask?

See, Schwartzenegger isn't scared of the virus and if you've been fully vaccinated, you don't need to be scared either. He's just another one of those hypocritical schmucks whose every demand he makes of you, never applies to them.

The behavior of the elite Left shows us they are not at all afraid of COVID, but they want you to be afraid. All of their lies and flip-flopping has created distrust and anger. 

Screw you, Schwartzenegger. I will not relinquish my freedom while you flaunt your privilege. Screw you, Democrats--we're getting increasingly disgusted with your demands and we aren't going to take it anymore. 

Whatever happened to 'our bodies, our choice'?

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