Monday, January 18, 2021

Leftist brain-trusts Dave Bautista and Alyssa Milano petition for Cruz to be expelled from Senate

Alyssa Milano, 48, born in Brooklyn, NY is a left-wing political activist She left Brooklyn and attended the Buckley School in Sherman Oaks, California serving grades kindergarten through the 12th grade as a college prep school, although there does not appear to be any evidence of higher education in her history.

Two reviews of the school state:

"They also have a huge gym and a cafeteria that has delicious food."

"Buckley is terribly overpriced, and overrated."

Ms. Milano sports seven tattoos including a sacred heart on her butt cheek, a fairy kneeling on the grass along her hip, rosary beads on her back, an angel on her left ankle, a snake biting it's own tail [an Ouroboros] and on her dainty right wrist, an "om" as well as on her other wrist with flowers there and also on her right ankle. 

But in spite of her apparently Catholic-inspired images [of the heart and rosary], Milano had two abortions, putting her in the same "church pew" as Joe Biden who supports the killing of the unborn.

Dave Bautista, 52, whose birthday is today, Jan. 18th, is a former wrestler and mixed martial artist-turned actor. His mom, a lesbian, is of Greek descent and his father a Filipino immigrant. He was raised in poverty and had serious run-ins with the law. By age 13, he was stealing cars, and by 17 he was estranged from his parents, living on his own.

Bautista worked as a nightclub bouncer but was arrested after a fight that left two patrons injured, one who was left unconscious. He was given a year on probation, later working as a lifeguard and then got into bodybuilding, which he said saved his life.

He became a wrestler at which time he called himself "Batista." Finally he went into acting and used his real name at this point, while pretending to be the characters he played.

Rafael [Ted] Edward Cruz, 50, never went to acting school. Instead, he went to Princeton University and Harvard Law School and worked as a policy advisor for George W. Bush and then Solicitor General of Texas from 2003 to 2008. Liberal Harvard Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz once said that Cruz was the brightest pupil he ever taught.

Cruz was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2012 and became the first Hispanic American to serve as a U.S. senator from Texas and was re-elected to the Senate in 2018, beating out Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke, a gun-grabbing leftist who respects the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution the way a snake respects a mouse.

Cruz and others faced criticism for perpetuating the idea that Joseph Robinette Biden won the presidential election using organized, wide-scale voter fraud. In the video below, he explains that he never intended to set aside the results of the election, but he asked to look into what half the nation believes was an unfair election.

On Sunday, Bautista took to Twitter to share the petition writing: "This cause is close to my heart - please sign."

Milano also shared the petition later in the day with a gif that reads: "The path to unity flows through accountability. The path to healing begins with justice."

Their definition of justice is that conservatives either agree with them or shut up. Witness big tech lately. 

Neither one of these actors live or even come from Texas where Cruz was duly elected. 

The path to unity as a nation flows through the acceptance of our differences and the freedom to discuss and debate them. It comes from compromise at times. Healing will follow, not through punishing those with whom you disagree, but with honest, talk, and even more important, real listening.

You want healing and unity, start there.

Finally, please consider subscribing to my free blog, Brain Flushings. I can be satirical, sometimes angry, and generally fair. Sometimes I can even be funny--at least to myself and hopefully you. The only ways I get paid is by knowing I've made a difference in the world and also when you click on one of the ads on the page. Just one click does the trick.

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