Tuesday, October 6, 2020

WaPo's Jennifer Rubin diagnosed with end-stage Trump Derangement Syndrome

Washington Post typist Jennifer Rubin [no relation to Dave Rubin, thankfully] was mere seconds away from a cranial explosion after she discovered that President Donald J. Trump not only did not die from COVID-19, but actually left Walter Reed Medical Center on Monday after a mere three-day stay with the dreaded disease.

The President took to Twitter and tweeted Monday afternoon: 
"I will be leaving the great Walter Reed Medical Center today at 6:30 P.M. Feeling really good! Don't be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life. We have developed, under the Trump Administration, some really great drugs & knowledge. I feel better than I did 20 years ago!"
As promised, Trump left Walter Reed at around 6:30 p.m. and waved to the group of normal people who stood outside the hospital to get a glimpse of the leader of the free world.

Rubin became so upset that Trump lived and left the facility to resume his work as President of the United States of America, that she ran to her computer, blood boiling, tears rolling down her left cheek, and began typing frantically and with total abandon.

Rubin, a below average lawyer, could only be described as having gone berserk. She typed and typed and typed, saying things nobody in their right mind would say in public. 

She attacked the president and called him a "menace to everyone around you," and the doctors involved with his recovery.

Then it became evident that she was a couple of doses down on her medication when she tweeted:
"Any MD who publicly endorses this insanity needs to lose his/her license. Period." 

She got the "Period" idea from the Obama lie that, with Obamacare, you could keep your doctor and healthcare plan. 

But Rubin wasn't done. She tweeted like an aviary filled with schizophrenic crows hallucinating about a roadkill: 

"Congress might want to defund Walter Reed. It is a public health hazard."

Then, pretending to care for Trump's well-being she typed:
"A 74 yr old [obese] man with covid - who might have lung damage - and a pattern of disregarding medical advice is returned to an environment in which he may infect others. What planet does Conley inhabit? Where is the rest of Walter Reed? The VP? They are remarkable cowards."
Woo-hoo, she thought, as her fingers flew over the keys of her laptop while Barack, her cat, watched with curiosity as her eyes grew as large as saucers, while she laughed like a B-movie villain.

People who read her poop on Twitter didn't take kindly to her TDS-induced rage, especially the part where she suggested that Walter Reed Medical Center be defunded. Even her leftist cohorts were upset with her suggestion.

Huffington Post contributor Yashar Ali tweeted:
"Great idea ... let's punish soldiers, physicians, nurses, and staff for the president's decision to return home and not allow his physician to reveal personal medical info. You're embarrassing your colleagues at the Post," 
Townhall.com senior writer and U.S. Marine Corps Reserve member Julio Rosas wrote:
"Walter Reed is where our heroic military men and women go to get treated after getting wounded in combat, you vile human being." 
T. Becket Adams of the Washington Examiner tweeted:
"Jen Rubin herself is not the insulting thing. the insulting thing is that WaPo keeps her around because they think she represents conservatism and lets them tick the 'diversity of voices' box." 
But the best response, in this writer's opinion, came from journalist Zaid Jilani"
"Never base your entire political orientation over worshiping/disliking one politician..." 
Rubin used to describe herself as a conservative. It turns out that she's about as conservative as AOC on LSD. Last month she dropped that word from her Twitter bio because of the amount of mocking she received, especially when she advocated for Democrats all throughout Trump's term in office.

She displayed her lack of knowledge and vile hatred of conservatives when she said, 
"Let’s be honest: There is no conservative movement or party today. There is a Republican Party thoroughly infused with racism and intellectually corrupted by right-wing nationalism. But there is no party that believes in less or small government."

Calling half of America racists because they honor the traditions of our society and the U.S. Constitution, is a baseless, mindless lie, and a contrived stereotype the left uses to attack us because they lack a substantive policy argument.

Jennifer Rubin is the type of person who would blow up a subway car filled with riders just to get to the one she hates. 

That's today's analogy

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