Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Michigan AG refuses to enforce Whitmer's unlawful coronavirus tyranny

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel (D) will no longer enforce fellow Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's  executive orders regarding unconstitutional coronavirus restrictions with criminal prosecution. After all, Michigan is not part of Nazi Germany.

The Michigan state Supreme Court has made the ruling and Whitmer is outraged by it as she has been stripped of her absolute power over the proletariat.

Nessel's office made the announcement Sunday but a spokesman for her said that law enforcement agencies may still enforce COVID-19 mandates in accordance with local ordinances.

Ryan Jarvi, the spokesman for Nessel said, "In light of the Supreme Court's decision on Friday, the Attorney General will no longer enforce the governor's executive orders through criminal prosecution. However, her decision is not binding on other law enforcement agencies or state departments with independent enforcement authority.

"It's her fervent hope that people continue to abide by the measures that Gov. Whitmer put in place — like wearing face masks, adhering to social distancing requirements and staying home when sick — since they've proven effective at saving lives," Jarvi said.

The Michigan Supreme Court found on Friday that Whitmer's emergency directives were issued unilaterally, without authorization from the state legislature and were an "unlawful delegation of legislative power to the executive branch in violation of the Michigan Constitution."

Thus, the iron-fisted governor didn't have the power to go beyond April 30 orders shuttering businesses deemed [for no rhyme or reason] to be "nonessential." The court said Whitmer illegally drew authority from two outdated laws passed in 1945 and 1976 and were non-applicable.

The court noted that among the businesses closed by the governor's order were "restaurants, food courts, cafes, coffeehouses, bars, taverns, brew pubs, breweries, microbreweries, distilleries, wineries, tasting rooms, clubs, hookah bars, cigar bars, vaping lounges, barbershops, hair salons, nail salons, tanning salons, tattoo parlors, schools, churches, theaters, cinemas, libraries, museums, gymnasiums, fitness centers, public swimming pools, recreation centers, indoor sports facilities, indoor exercise facilities, exercise studios, spas, casinos, and racetracks."

"These policies exhibit a sweeping scope, both with regard to the subjects covered and the power exercised over those subjects. Indeed, they rest on an assertion of power to reorder social life and to limit, if not altogether displace, the livelihoods of residents across the state and throughout wide-ranging industries," the ruling declared.

Whitmer was furious and flew into a rage. She responded to the decision with intense anger and accused the judges on the court of acting politically and claiming the restrictions would remain in place for the next 21 days.

But Whitmer does not have the authority to keep the restrictions in place and has, in effect, been stripped of her dictatorial power.

Nessel's announcement effectively and immediately lifts the mandates on businesses because they will no longer be enforced by state authorities.

Republican state Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey said the court's decision means Whitmer will have to work with the Republican-controlled Legislature to create a bipartisan COVID-19 plan. Shirkey told Bridge Michigan that the state mask mandate and several business regulations will likely not be supported by Republicans because they trust Michiganders to take necessary and proper precautions in public.

"We're moving now from an era or a time when the focus was on mandating, dictating and frankly in some cases threatening, to more of an informing and inspiring and encouraging and loving and trusting people to do the right thing," Shirkey said.

He added that lawmakers need to leave behind a "lingering notion that we could, by restricting everything, basically ignore the fact that the COVID exists and delay everything for perpetuity. The virus ultimately was going to win, it was just going to take a longer time."

Shirkey is correct, obviously. We can't remain prisoners of the virus, but we need to take it seriously. People are a lot smarter than Whitmer believes, but then again, they did vote for her.

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