Monday, August 17, 2020

NoKo orders handing over of pet dogs for butchering as country undergoes food shortage

The high exalted leader for life of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, has declared that pet dogs symbolize capitalist "decadence" and has ordered man's best friend in Pyongyang to be rounded up. Dog owners worry that their own beloved pets are to be eaten to solve the country's food shortage, by which Kim obviously is not affected.

In July, Kim announced that pet ownership is now illegal and denounced having a dog is "a tainted trend of bourgeois ideology."

Easy for the fat man to say. You know he's eating just fine.

"Authorities have identified households with pet dogs and are forcing them to give them up or forcefully confiscating them and putting them down," a source told South Korea's Chosun Ilbo newspaper.

'Some of the dogs are sent to state-run zoos or sold to dog meat restaurants'.

Eating Phydeaux [pronounced "Fido"] has long been considered a delicacy on the Korean Peninsula, although the tradition is gradually fading out in South Korea.

Still, an estimated 1 million dogs are reared on farms to be consumed every year in the South, even those dogs who beg, roll over, and give you their paw.

Dog meat is still a staple on the menu in the North, however, with a number of dedicated dog restaurants in Pyongyang.

The only drawback is that whenever you finish a meal of dog, you have an uncontrollable desire to life your leg when passing a fire hydrant.  Also, the term "hot dog" takes on a new meaning in the Korean Peninsula.

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