Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Couple busted for tearing off masks of Hasidic Jews

Photo: Reuters
BROOKLYN, NY -- A pair of anti-Semites from Queens were arrested for rearing off face masks of ultra-Orthodox Jews in Willaimsburg, Brooklyn.

Paulo Pinho, 35, and Clelia Pinho, 46, were arrested Monday and charged with hate crimes for the attacks in which they also shouted antisemitic slurs, according to a report by ABC News. 

The incident took place at around 8:30 p.m. at the corner of Bedford Avenue and Ross Street, not far from the old Ebbets Field where the Brooklyn Dodgers once played. The neighborhood has a large Jewish population.

Paulo Pinho allegedly called the police to a report a large crowd gathering after he realized his anti-Semitic act did not go unanswered. The NYPD said the two anti-Semites exited their vehicle to accost the Hasidic men which led to a physical altercation they evidently didn't expect. The scumbags were detained and held by the Shomrim, a volunteer watch group whose philosophy is 'never again.'

The Pinhos [whose name translates to "Pinheads"] were later arrested by NYPD officers. 

"You’re the reason why we’re getting sick,” one of the suspects allegedly said, according to the NYPD. The couple added that “the mayor says you Jews are the reason we’re getting sick.”

The mayor they were referring to is Bill de Blasio, [whose real name is Warren Wilhelm] who has also been accused of having anti-Semitic sentiments but, in an unprecedented move, he condemned the attack and said the NYPD will ensure that there are consequences for such actions.

De Blasio drew well-earned criticism in late April after he singled out “the Jewish community” in a trio of tweets when announcing that he had instructed his police department to fine - or even arrest - social distancing violators. Evidently, his words helped inspire this latest anti-Semitic hate crime.

For example, in late April, A. H., 30, also of Queens, told a Jewish man at a Dunkin’ Donuts in Fort Lee to leave the public establishment and claiming the Jews are responsible for the coronavirus, which is ridiculous. He warned the Jewish man not to return.
In spite of his hatred of Jews, this cretin gets
his inspiration from one

The idiot also told the Jewish man not to come back.

As a way of diluting the spate of anti-Semitic attacks across the nation, de Blasio brought anti-Asian attacks into the conversation and said that "whether it is this horrible antisemitic act that we saw or the horrible anti-asian acts we saw in previous weeks, none of these acts of bias or discrimination are acceptable in New York City."

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