Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Comedy News Network's Stelter reeks from hypocrisy

If CNN was never hypocritical, there would be no CNN. A video montage put together and posted by the Washington Free Beacon features their media critic and squishy wishy-washy Brian Stelter’s blatant hypocrisy over the Russia probe, somehow doubting that it's now not newsworthy since uncovering the scandal perpetrated by the Obama administration. The video has since gone viral.

Beacon reporter David Rutz noticed “Stelter said Sunday that he was disappointed in right-wing media's 'obsession' with recent revelations about the Russia probe and its origins, calling it insignificant in light of the coronavirus pandemic.”

But Stelter's attempt at trying to change the media's focus has more to do with who is in hot water now rather than when the Trump-haters were making wild claims about Trump's alleged involvement with the Russians regarding the 2016 presidential campaign. 

Rutz wrote that Stelter’s Sunday morning media show had been “focused heavily on the ‘drip, drip, drip’ of Robert Mueller's Russia investigation” for years, even though it “ultimately found no evidence of a conspiracy between the Donald Trump campaign and the Kremlin in the 2016 election.”

To show just how hypocritical it is for Stelter, the dumbest dude on the tube, to claim the Russian collusion story should take a backseat to the Chinese Communist Wuhan Coronavirus, the Free Beacon published a supercut of Stelter’s recent comments contrasted by tons of instances over the years he discussed the investigation himself. 

The montage quickly racked up over 1.4 million views since it was published on Tuesday night, and as of Wednesday morning, the video was retweeted thousands of times with Stelter being the target of mockery:

The weirdest thing in all of this is that the left doesn't seem to mind when the media gets caught being fake news as long as it's fake news attacking Trump.

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