Monday, November 25, 2019

Make believe tough guy claims Mayor Pete has "Best shot" to oust "Piece of sh** Trump" in 2020

In spite of the fact that black people don't support him because he's gay and is married to a dude; in spite of the fact that his claim to fame is that he's mayor of a relatively small town and only received 11 thousand votes; in spite of the fact that many in his hometown think he's doing a crappy job; and in spite of the fact that he pretends to be a moderate but spouts far left policy ideas, the actor Robert De Niro believes Pete Buttigieg has the "best shot" at beating that "piece of s*** Trump" in the next election.

And De Niro should know because he's an actor and he watches CNN and stuff.

The make believe tough guy spoke with The Daily Beast and said that Buttigieg has “all the credentials” to beat that “piece of s***” Trump in November 2020. The credentials, in total, are mentioned above, but the fact that he served in the military was left out as well as his ability to speak a few languages and convince people that he isn't a flaming socialist, which he apparently is, as well as the idea that he believes that he is a spokesman for all of Christianity, which he is not.

“Buttigieg I like a lot,” De Niro said, using tough guy grammar, with a grimace, a shoulder roll and a pull at his groin. “He’s got all the credentials – Rhodes Scholar, Afghanistan veteran – even though he’s young, and if he could get a chance it could be something special, I think.”

De Niro added that Buttigieg’s LGBTQ+1.5LSMFT identity will most likely bolster minority support for him, but De Niro is oblivious to the reality that black voters and serious Christians do not support him.

“As a gay person, he’s someone who comes from a marginalized community, so people from other ethnic groups can identify with him, even if they’re not gay, because they know what it’s like,” De Niro said. 

Sure, the gays and transvestites are marginalized and victimized in this country now that they have been given the rights to sue people who refuse to go against their religious beliefs to cater to their weddings, or take children away from parents who refuse to go along with their child's belief that he or she is not the gender to which they were born.

The former “Taxi Driver” actor made his ridiculous statement despite the fact that Mayor Pete is polling at 0% among black voters in the key state of South Carolina where the black vote generally determines the primary in the state.

“I think he’s the best for what we need now. I have friends who really like him a lot, as I do,” De Niro continued, showing a photo of Mayor Pete that he removed from his wallet. “With Obama, he had the middle name ‘Hussein’ and a lot of things that people tried to use against him – including Trump with the whole stupid ‘birther’ thing – and he went right through it. It could happen with Buttigieg. And there’s Bloomberg.”

De Niro dismissed both Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) as being “too extreme,” while admitting that he'd still like to "punch Trump in his f***ing face."

Last week, Buttigieg's campaign got caught with their proverbial pants down after reports bubbled up from the bathwater about the horrible rollout of his proposed "Douglass Plan" for "black America." The plan not only claimed fake endorsements from prominent black leaders in the community, but the woman in the featured photo that advertised the plan was from Kenya.
To make matters worse, his motivation for the Douglass Plan rollout likely stems from Buttigieg's insidously shrinking support in the black community due to his firing of South Bend’s first black police chief, and his poor handling of race relations as mayor of the city.

So the genius make believe tough guy, Robert De Niro, seems to know as much about political punditry as Alexandria Obviously-Comatose knows about economics.

Shermichael Singleton at The Hill wrote:
“All the fundraising in the world cannot save the young politician from Indiana, and doing well in a state that more closely resembles Norway than the rest of the United States does not help his case. His trouble with black voters runs deep, and there are two issues that make it clear why an overwhelming majority of them will not support his bid for president. 
“Attempting to deceive black voters like he did in South Carolina is an intellectual insult to African Americans and marks another reason why black voters will likely remain apprehensive of Buttigieg. For many black voters, the calculation is simple. If Buttigieg is poorly equipped to deal with matters of race in a place as small as South Bend, then he certainly is not capable of dealing with them across the entire United States.”
Can I get an 'Amen'?

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1 comment:

  1. I use to like Robert De Niro as an actor, but I cannot stand him any more because of the way he mocks trump


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