Sunday, November 24, 2019

Schiffless says case against POTUS 'ironclad' sort of

Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) has claimed to have an "ironclad" case against President Trump in the impeachment inquiry, but he is also the same person who said he had evidence that Trump colluded with Russia in the 2016 presidential elections and has produced nothing but noise, much like Rep. Eric Swalwell when he farted on national TV and blamed a coffee cup for the sound.

However, despite claiming to have an "ironclad" case, he still refuses to say whether or not Trump will be impeached. Perhaps he is afraid that if the case goes to the Senate, the GOP will subpoena him as a witness along with the "whistleblower," [who is actually a leaker, not a whistleblower], and the Bidens, and this may prove embarrassing to him and the Democrats.

"This president has now twice sought foreign interference in our election... when [Trump] invited the Russians to hack Hillary’s emails and later that day they attempted to do exactly that. There is a sense of urgency when you have a president who's threatening the integrity of our elections," he said with zero evidence on CNN's "State of the Union," which requires nothing more than feelings against the president.

Adam Schiff as seen by my 4-year-old grand-daughter

"We need to act now if we're going to act, and we can’t allow this obstruction to succeed," Schiff bloviated as his eyes became the size of saucers. "The other point I would make is, the case in terms of the Ukraine misconduct is ironclad, but so is the case of the president’s obstruction of the Congress."

Despite displaying false confidence in Trump's guilt, Schiff was unable to answer Jake Tapper when asked if the president would eventually be impeached.

"If the facts aren’t contested and your committee is writing up the report and you don't, at least as of now, have any scheduled witnesses or depositions -- do you think President Trump should be impeached?" Tapper asked.

Schiff looked askance as his eyes grew the size of dinner plates at East Side Mario's and said he still had to confer with his congressional colleagues and home state constitutes before rendering a final verdict because "ironclad" evidence isn't enough--they need video or more feelings and opinions.

"I want to discuss this with my constituents and my colleagues before I make a final judgment on it," he replied. "But there are a couple of really important things we need to think about.

Schiff continued to bs Tapper, but that's how he rolls and I refuse to bore you with it. You can find the interview on YouTube.

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