Tuesday, August 27, 2019

PA Pres. 'Millions of fighters' will take over Jerusalem

Belching and flatulating simultaneously
The following contains some satire.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas [aka "The Abbasshole"] threatened Israel saying that "millions of fighters" would swarm Jerusalem and topple Israel's capital because it's filled with Jews. The PA leader added that "no matter how many houses and how many settlements they declare [because it belongs to the Jews] that they plan to build here and there --they shall all be destroyed."

Abbas, who is no stranger to having others do his fighting for him, was on an anti-Semitic roll as he spoke at Jalazone Refugee Camp near Ramallah, where delicious kosher Jalazones originated. The camp had been threatened with destruction or a good cleaning, didn't hide the payoff scheme the PA has with government money being paid to convicted terrorists and their Jew hating families, rather than the poor starving people in Gaza. "We will not accept their designation of our martyrs as terrorists. Our martyrs are the martyrs of the homeland" and they make other terrorists who aren't on a jihad look like ladies from a knitting circle.

So whenever a Jewish baby or child is killed, the terrorist gets paid. If he should be killed when he kills a Jew, the family gets a salary for life. Had Rashida Tlaib been born in so-called Palestine, this may have paid her way through school.

"To Jerusalem we march, martyrs by the millions!" he was quoted as saying, according to a translation by the Middle East Media Research Institute, or MEMRI, a media watchdog site. Of course when he says "martyrs" he isn't including himself. He has more important things to do such as not blowing himself to smithereens. His virgins can wait.

"We shall enter Jerusalem—millions of fighters! We shall enter it! All of us, the entire Palestinian people, the entire Arab nation, the Islamic nation, and the Christian nation," Abbas said. "They shall all enter Jerusalem."

By "we" he means terrorists other than himself.

Homes and cities built by Jews and other ethnic groups living in Israel "will all go to the garbage bin of history," Abbas said.

"We shall remain [here], and nobody can remove us from our homeland," the putz continued, obviously not having read the Old Testament nor understands the spoils of war. Israel has been incessantly attacked and won every time and the land that they chose to keep [even though they have given much of it back to the Muslims] is theirs without question. No other country on Earth has ever had to return land they won in a war, but that's what they want from tiny Israel.

"If they want, they themselves can leave. Those who are foreign to this land [like the Muslims, for example] have no right to it. So we say to them: Every stone you have [used] to build on our land, and every house you have built on our land, is bound to be destroyed, Allah willing."

This is Islam at it's most bellicose, which is really quite often throughout history.

He can sit on it and take Rashida Tlaib with him.

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