Monday, June 3, 2019

"Spartacus" wins 3 Pinocchios saying toy guns more are regulated than firearms

Presidential candidate and wild-eyed leftist Cory Booker (Duh-NJ) made the claim that in the United States, there is "more federal regulation over toy guns than real ones."

The Washington Post‘s fact-checker, a left-leaning newspaper, awarded Booker three Pinocchios for his false claim [aka: bald-faced lie].

Polling in the proverbial toilet in the Democrat presidential primary, "Spartacus" recently rolled out a 14-point policy proposal to combat gun violence. So crazy was his proposal that even The New York Times, a former newspaper, described his nonsense as one of the "the most progressive gun-control measures suggested by a candidate seeking the Democratic nomination for president."

The proposal included a variety of measures that would significantly alter how firearms are regulated in the United States, including a gun licensing program that would force individuals who want to purchase a firearm to "apply for a license in much the same way one applies for a passport," according to The Times.
After the Nazis confiscated guns from the Jews
Booker's campaign released a Medium post, detailing the lunatic's proposal, writing, "there is more regulation over toy guns than real ones. While medicine, children's toys, and any number of other consumer products are subject to regulation by the federal government, firearms are exempt. In other words, gun manufacturers have little incentive to make their products safer. Cory will work to close this loophole in federal oversight and allow the Consumer Product Safety Commission to ensure gun safety by making safety warnings and issuing recalls for faulty firearms."

Actually, there are more regulations regarding children not being permitted to watch an "R" rated movie than there are regarding children getting an abortion.

Glenn Kessler, the Washington Post‘s fact-checker, on Monday morning said, "Booker's comparison of the regulations of toy guns and real guns is specious," giving him three Pinocchios for the statements.

Analyzing Booker's wording, Kessler explained
"There are clearly many laws and regulations governing the sale, distribution and use of guns," including the ban against certain types of firearms and design features such as bump stocks which were banned by the ATF in 2018.
"Our industry is the most heavily regulated industry in the country," Mark Oliva, a spokesman for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, told the Washington Post. "No other industry is regulated at the federal, state, and local level to the extent our industry is regulated, which include design and performance standards."
Rounding out his analysis of Booker's statement, Kessler wrote, "Firearms, at just about every level, are highly regulated in the United States. Booker is calling for another level of regulation, but he can't suggest toy guns are even more highly regulated."

But he can because he believes liberals are stupid. And in a way, when it comes to the Second Amendment and firearms, they are.

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