Sunday, June 2, 2019

Former newspaper calls fetal heartbeat "embryonic pulsing'

Checking cell-clump pulsing
One thing you gotta say about the far-Left, they sure know how to play with words--they make the killing of babies in the womb sound like the removal of an annoying cyst.

Several states have passed their own versions of heartbeat bills, each basically prohibiting abortions after a heartbeat is detected, which typically occurs around six weeks into a woman’s pregnancy. Louisiana is the latest state to take action. Gov. John Bel Edwards, the state’s pro-life Democrat governor, a rare breed, expressed his support for the legislation and signed it into law Thursday.

“In 2015, I ran for governor as a pro-life candidate after serving as a pro-life legislator for eight years,” Edwards said in a statement released Wednesday. “As governor, I have been true to my word and my beliefs on this issue.”

“I know there are many who feel just as strongly as I do on abortion and disagree with me — and I respect their opinions,” he continued. [I don't respect the opinions of anyone who would kill a baby in the womb--it's immoral, bordering on evil.] “As I prepare to sign this bill, I call on the overwhelming bipartisan majority of legislators who voted for it to join me in continuing to build a better Louisiana that cares for the least among us and provides more opportunity for everyone.”

The New York Times (NYT) a former newspaper, decided to use phrases that obviously dehumanizes the unborn, because everyone knows what abortion is, and everyone knows that a human life is taken in the process. That's why they talk about "terminating a pregnancy" rather than killing an unborn baby. Another way to terminate a pregnancy is to give birth.

Anyway, The Times referred to an unborn child’s heartbeat as “embryonic pulsing”:
A State House vote on Wednesday moved the abortion measure to the governor’s desk, after lawmakers rejected a series of amendments including an exception for cases of rape or incest [which still doesn't justify the killing of an unborn baby]. The measure would require an ultrasound test for any woman seeking to terminate a pregnancy, and forbid abortion if the test detects embryonic pulsing — which can occur before many women know they are pregnant. Abortions would be permitted only to save a woman’s life or to prevent a “serious risk” to her health.
LifeNews noted:
Rather than say the word “heartbeat,” The New York Times used the words “the pulsing of what becomes the fetus’s heart.” It also described the legislation as a “so-called fetal heartbeat bill” – as if it is questionable whether the unborn baby actually has a heart or a heartbeat.
The Times is obviously not the only outlet that has tried to discount the unique human being inside the mother's womb and struggled to find ways of expressing this false notion.

ABC opinion hack and science-denier, Steve Osunsami, described those who supported Louisiana’s pro-life law as people who “believe that a fetal heartbeat can be detected.”

Well Steve, ultrasound detecting an absence of cardiac activity [aka pulsations], even in very small embryos, indicates pregnancy demise regardless of the size of the embryo, so you and other leftists may not call it a heartbeat, but without it, there can be no life inside the mother's uterus.

And yes, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the lady with the fetus/embryo/unborn child in her womb is not the superintendent of the life inside her--she's the mother.

And furthermore Steve Osunsami,, an unborn child’s detectable heartbeat is not a matter of opinion, which makes you sound like a deadbeat guy on an abortion mission. Maybe you got a woman pregnant and it's inconvenient for you to let her go through with it. I'm not saying that's true, but there is no evidence to say that it is not the case.

I'm just using Robert Mueller's line of thinking.

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