Sunday, May 19, 2019

If elected, Pete Buttigieg would have Muhammad and the Koran forbidden in the USA

The following is satire inspired by a post in the Daily Wire regarding Pete Buttigieg's thoughts on Thomas Jefferson.

South Bend, Indiana Mayor and 2020 presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg, told radio host Hugh Hewitt that he is deeply troubled by the Islamic religion and, if elected president, he would make Korans, references to Mohammed, and mosques illegal in the United States. He would also ensure that no events nor Islamic organizations, such as CAIR or the Muslim Brotherhood, would be allowed to remain in the U.S.

“Yeah, I want to immediately do that in Indiana. I think it's the right thing to do,” Buttigieg said, though he also offered a fairly neutral, half-hearted defense of the religion and its prophet, Mohammed, the man who authored  the Koran, or Islamic scripture, using a scribe, who he later had killed for questioning the inconsistencies in the book.

“Over time, you develop and evolve on the things you choose to honor, Islam is more problematic,” Buttigieg said. “There's a lot, of course, to admire in Mohammed's thinking and his philosophy, but then again if you plunge into his writings, especially his negativity about Christians and Jews, as well as slavery resulting from the booty of war, you know that he isn't a person who should be a symbol for America. We are all morally conflicted human beings, but Mohammed? Chee!”

Buttigieg stopped short of saying Mohammed's role in the robbing of Quraysh caravans and slaughter of the Quraysh tribe of Jews should be wiped out of history books, but he does support the idea that Mohammed should be stripped of visible honors.  Pete said that those visible tributes have an effect on people's emotional and psychological well-being and it isn't right to accept anti-Semitism nor anti-Christian sentiments as depicted in the Koran and in the behavior of some extremists of the Islamic religion of today.

“The real reason I think there is a lot of pressure on this is the relationship between the past and present that we're finding in a million different ways that anti-Semitism and anti-Christianity isn't some curiosity out of the past that we're embarrassed about but moved on from,” Buttigieg explained.

He ultimately added that he sees it as his responsibility to make protect the affected [i.e., Jews and Christians] from further harm: “It's alive. It's well. It's hurting people and it's one of the main reasons to be in politics today is to try to change or reverse the harms that went along with that.”

Mohammed has a clear record on slavery, including sex slaves. The wives of those his terrorists killed in battle would be taken as slaves and doled out to his men. He would get first pick. Children of the women sex slaves would also be made slaves and abused accordingly.

This has infuriated Buttigieg.

But even more than the slavery issue, is Islam's total intolerance of homosexuality, and this make Pete Buttigieg, a gay, married man, livid.

"If you try to make the excuse that Mohammed was a product of his time, your argument fails because gays and lesbians are often put to death in Islamic countries even today," Buttigieg said. "The religion is very clear about homosexuality--they throw us to our deaths from high places or hang us. As President of the United States of America, I will not tolerate an intolerant religion, nor its founder, nor its scripture."

The state of Indiana did successfully change its Mohammed-Farrakhan Dinner to the "Hoosier Hospitality Dinner." They even served pork.

Without a doubt, Pete Buttigieg's courage to call out homophobia, anti-Semitism, anti-Christianity and slavery advocates is incredibly courageous. 

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