Sunday, May 19, 2019

Poll: AOC isn't known, liked or trusted in her own district

Former Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY) lost his seat to 29-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [aka Alexandria Openly-Commie] (D). He said on Saturday that the woke congresswoman is the lawmaker "most vulnerable" to defeat in 2020, and new polling results suggests Crowley knows what he's talking about, [unlike AOC, who speaks off the top of her choifed hair.]

The data, released by an anti-Ocasio-Cortez political action committee, revealed that she is not well-liked in her home district — nor does many people even know who she is.

What are the details?

According to the Daily Caller, although AOC enjoys national fame, the on-the-ground data suggest that she has an "Amazon-sized" problem in New York's 14th congressional district.

Data collected by the Stop AOC PAC earlier this month found that only 20 percent of the district view Ocasio-Cortez favorably, while more than double that — 44 percent — view her unfavorably. Fully 36 percent don't know who she is and she doesn't appear to spend much time in her district to make herself be known.
"My fingers smell funny"
Dan Backer, the Washington, D.C.,  is an attorney who founded the Stop AOC PAC. Backer told the Daily Caller that the socialist's staunch and baseless opposition to Amazon building its second headquarters in New York City has made her quite vulnerable, and therefore a primary target for challengers in 2020.

"We saw that the district is for the Green New Deal and some of her other policies," Backer said. "But they're wildly opposed to her with regard to Amazon, the reality of the jobs and the opportunities that she cost them. She screwed over the local economy in a big way, and screwed over her voters."

"I think she's very beatable," he explained. "Her district — they don't know her, they don't like her, they don't trust her. As long as we give voters the choice, they're choosing to turn away from her."

At the present time, Crowley told Fox News Saturday that he has no current plans to challenge Ocasio-Cortez in 2020, but there's a very slim possibility that he's lying.

Politician's oxygen is the lie.

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