Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Harvard Gender Studies Professor: Obama has "horrifying" "physical & behavioral resemblances to Hitler"

The following is satire.

A Harvard gender studies professor Maxine Cispoole on Monday tweeted that although she didn't think either former President Obama was "becoming" Adolf Hitler, she felt he shared similar "physical and behavioral resemblances" to the guy Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) have in poster form hanging on their walls.

"Horrifying. I’m not saying Obama became Hitler, so don’t bother tweeting the distinctions," she tweeted alongside pictures of Obama and Hitler sharing similar physical gestures. [See below]

"But the physical and behavioral resemblances aren’t altogether irrelevant. No prior president even suggests the comparison," she added.

Cispoole was retweeting a post from @transfanny who quoted Voltaire, the 18th Century French philosopher, implying that both Hitler and Obama made absurd statements. "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities," the quote read, adding in a follow-up tweet: "There hasn't been even one smidgeon of corruption in my administration."

Cispoole, who taught a class on the use of imagery to cross gender lines, also likened Obama's presidency as a total "clusterf**k of the highest magnitude" on an interview at the Comedy News Network (CNN).

She later apologized, saying that she didn't mean Obama, she meant President Trump because he is an evil orange man who needs to be taken out behind the barn for a good whoopin' because "he just does."

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