Thursday, May 16, 2019

Feinstein & Harris go ape over Trump's 9th Circuit pick

It pays to have a Republican majority in the Senate. In a 52 to 45 vote along party-lines, the Senate confirmed President Trump's nominee to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday.

The confirmation of Kenneth Lee marked the first time that neither home-state senator had returned a blue slip, a Senate tradition in which the home-state senator gives their opinion of the nominee, the Hill reported.

Both California Democrats Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris, did not return a blue slip on Lee’s nomination to the San Francisco-based court. Lee, 43, a native of South Korea, is a past special counsel for the Senate Judiciary Committee. Feinstein and Harris therefore, must be racists to use their line of thinking.

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco has long drawn the ire of President Trump, who has called it "disgraceful," a word he uses at least twenty times a day.

The left wants the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to remain packed with leftists and didn't get their way this time.

Feinstein tweeted about Lee’s writings on race and civil rights as reasons for her opposition--not because he's a Republican and she's evidently a racist.

 Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, (D-NY), another racist and mute on the anti-Semitism in his own party, agreed that Lee holds “shocking” positions on race and women’s reproductive rights.

Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., called Lee “a man of high character” and a brilliant lawyer. The two attended law school together and ironically, both are Republicans.

“Lee’s record shows that he is far outside the legal mainstream,” Feinstein said, according to the Washington Times.

Lee wrote what appeared to be an inconvenient truth in 1994, saying that gay people have a higher incidence of AIDS because they are more “promiscuous” than straight people. “Nine out of 10 people with AIDS are gay or drug users,” he wrote. He later said he was “embarrassed” by that position during his confirmation hearing and that he had matured since then, according to the Hill.

Leftists, however, hold conservatives to everything they have ever said, unlike the standards they hold fellow Democrats like Joe Biden who made racist comments about former President Obama.

In another article, Lee questioned why a woman would continue working for a man who had assaulted her “just so she can hold on to a part-time job." In his confirmation hearing, he said at the time of the writing that he didn’t understand workplace dynamics, according to the Hill.

Lee’s nomination marks Trump’s 40th circuit judge appointment since taking office.

And while Lee may not have all the answers or even good ones to tough questions, he will be a hundred times fairer than any leftist judge the Democrats hold in esteem.

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