Monday, February 11, 2019

Anti-Semite Sistah Sarsour hurries to Ilhan Omar's defense

Rep[ulsive] Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has become the darling of anti-Semites across the political spectrum after her tweeting regarding AIRPAC's "influence" on members of the federal government. Such fine scumwafers such as David "KKK" Duke from the far-right, and co-leader of the Women's March, Linda "The Hamashole" Sarsour, have been vomiting praise on Omar, and who better to receive praise from racists and anti-Semites than this congresswoman?

Sarsour is well-known for her ties to flaming anti-Semite and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan,  and other anti-Semitic leaders. She has also made her personal anti-Semitic ideas public. 

Sarsour has regularly spoken out against the state of Israel, and, in twin exposés in both Tablet Magazine and the New York Times, she was accused of confronting Jewish Women's March leaders at the movement's foundational meetings -- and eventually helping to strong-arm those same Jewish women out of leadership positions so that she could take power along with three others who spout the same anti-Semitic garbage.
Sarsour forged a bond between the Women's March and Farrakhan, and reportedly arranged for the Nation of Islam to provide security for Women's March leaders and at Women's March events. Get in their way and they will break your head.

After Omar was again outed for her anti-Semitic rhetoric, Sarsour quickly penned an essay defending her. On Sunday night, Omar had tweeted out a blatantly anti-Semitic trope, accusing the pro-Israel group, AIPAC of bankrolling lawmakers on behalf of the state of Israel, which she has regularly attacked in the past.

"AIPAC is one of the most influential lobbies in American politics - alongside the NRA (maybe not anymore), fossil fuel industry and big pharmaceuticals," Sarsour wrote on Facebook, clearly oblivious to the fact that AIPAC has a lobbying budget of only $3.5 million per year, compared to $20M or $30M for fossil fuel companies and pharmaceutical manufacturers.

"AIPAC connects donors to campaigns and elected officials. Trying to argue that critiquing the role of AIPAC which let’s be clear is not a Jewish organization, many of its leaders and members are Christian Zionists - is antisemitic is ludicrous," the anti-Semitic Sarsour [who refused to capitalize "Semitic"] continued. "Critiques of the State of Israel ARE NOT antisemitic. Calling out AIPAC is not antisemitic...We have work to do to dismantle all forms of racism including antisemitism. We do that under the leadership of Jewish allies who have invested in education, relationship building not vilification and harassment."

" will not be silent in the face of attacks, harassment and targeted policing of speech from a Black Muslim woman elected official, our sister Ilhan Omar in the name of combatting antisemitism. We can stand up for Ilhan knowing her record and what she stands for and also combat antisemitism. I will not be distracted by the fact that dangerous antisemitism is being peddled by the very people claiming to care about Jews and antisemítism," she concluded.

Sarsour added that she believes Republican Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is, in fact, the most anti-Semitic Member of Congress -- not Omar -- for noting that George Soros is a top donor to the Democratic Party, though McCarthy has been clear that he is opposed to Soros's far-left positions on issues like immigration, not his religion.

Yeah, Jewish like George Soros, an atheist who's about as Jewish as Osama bin Laden.

Sarsour posted twice more. She encouraged her anti-Semitic followers to contact their Democratic representative in order to prevent Democratic leadership from issuing an official condemnation of Omar's rhetoric. 

According to Sarsour, opposition to Omar's Tweet is designed to "stifle free speech in favor of Palestinians and in opposition to Israeli policies," not crack down on anti-Semitism in Democratic ranks.

But say something about the ideology of Islamists terrorists and you're called 'Islamophobic.'

Sarsour's effort failed because by the middle of Monday afternoon, leadership, including Speaker of the House Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), had issued statements chastising Omar for adopting and propagating anti-Semitic tropes.

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