Monday, January 7, 2019

AOC is not AOK with math

Radical socialist Rep. Alexandria Obviously-Crazy Cortez (Dummy-NY) had to almost relive another round of humiliation but is too simple to realize how unintelligent she sounds, when asked on national TV how she plans to pay for $40 trillion in her far-left government programs. She spoke on a Sunday interview with Anderson Cooper on CBS News' "60 Minutes" and learned that the show is an hour long.

She thought Cooper was asking her a trick question and appeared a bit miffed that he would put her on the spot, so to speak.

This is the second time she wasn't able to explain her plan to fund her fantasies, the first was with an interview with the Communist News Network's Jake Tapper.

"How are you going to pay for all of this?" Cooper asked the young dancer who lies about being from the Bronx.

Obviously-Crazy got defensive, responding: "No one asks how we're gonna pay for this Space Force. No one asked how we paid for a $2 trillion tax cut.

"We only ask how we pay for it on issues of housing, healthcare and education," the low-information socialist said. "How do we pay for it? With the same exact mechanisms that we pay for military increases for this Space Force. For all of these-- ambitious policies."

That, of course, is not a real answer because there is no way her socialism can be paid for.

"There are Democrats, obviously, who are worried about your affect on the party," Cooper responded, trying not to reveal his bottled-up laughter. "Democratic Senator Chris Coons, said about left-leaning Democrats, "If the next two years is just a race to offer increasingly unrealistic proposals, it'll be difficult for us to make a credible case we should be allowed to govern again."

"What makes it unrealistic?" the 29-year-old asked, unaware of how ignorant she sounded.

"How to pay for it," Cooper responded, trying not to wet himself.

"We pay more per capita in health care and education for lower outcomes than many other nations," the bug-eyed former bartender answered. But she still could not answer about how to pay for her programs. "And so for me, what's unrealistic is-- is what we're living in right now."

She didn't explain what she meant by that statement, but it felt to her like it made sense. What we're living in right now is a world in which poverty has become decimated, job growth is soaring and unemployment is at its lowest EVER.

The only reason this woman is getting all the coverage she's getting has nothing to do with her ideas and everything to do with her youth and lack of world knowledge.

Her latest failure in trying to explain how she would pay for her socialist programs comes a day after she attacked Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) for, as she claimed, not knowing how marginal tax rates work. Seriously, she attacked Scalise, proving just how little she knows about him and her elementary knowledge of how marginal tax rates work.

In response to her comments toward Scalise, her leftist, radical supporters appeared to advocate for violence against him, which comes after he was nearly murdered by a Democrat terrorist in 2017, who was a Bernie Sanders supporter.

The other instance where AOC was unable to answer the question of how she'll pay for her programs occurred last year in an interview last September with Jake Tapper.

“According to nonpartisan and left-leaning studies friendly to your cause, including the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities or the Tax Policy Center, the overall price tag is more than $40 trillion in the next decade,” Tapper said. “You recently said in an interview that increasing taxes on the very wealthy, plus an increased corporate tax rate, would make $2 trillion over the next 10 years.”

“So, where is the other $38 trillion going to come from?” Tapper asked.

The socialist danced around the question for as long as she could before Tapper had to change the subject because it was obvious she couldn’t answer the question. In fact, she was likely angry that he asked her a tough question on CNN. After all, aren't they supposed to be on her side?

“So, I'm assuming I'm not going to get an answer for the other $38 trillion,” Tapper said. “But we will have you back, and maybe we can go over that.”

Yuk, yuk.

Well here we are in the beginning of a new year and the world still hasn't come to an end with President Trump in the White House, in spite of what the media and the left [but I repeat myself] would have you believe.

I hope that you will follow Brain Flushings throughout the year and feel free to comment on any issues of concern. Please subscribe and check out the sponsors on these pages too.

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