Sunday, January 6, 2019

Five Alexandria Occasionally-Conscious Green New Deal disasters

She isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, the brightest bulb in the box, she may be a few peas short of a casserole, have the IQ of room temperature, and may have fallen out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down, but she can dance and she has a plan to save the world.

Of course we're referring to New York Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [aka Alexandria Occasionally Conscious], a self-described democratic socialist, which is another way of saying socialist, and the new darling of the Democratic Party. For brevity, she will be hereafter referred to as her "cool" moniker, AOC [which is only 8 letters short of AOK]. 

AOK is pushing for her radical plan she calls the Green New Deal. Her plan would ban the use of all fossil fuels from U.S. electricity generation, manufacturing and agriculture by 2030, which if she could do the math, would bring her to 11 years hence.

When you're only 29 years old, 11 years is nearly half a lifetime.

The Green New Deal would radically and dramatically reshape and destroy the U.S. economy by adding tens of trillions of dollars to the national debt and so much more gastric distress.

In fact, families would have to pay more to heat, cool and provide electricity to their homes. The same costs would skyrocket for businesses, farmers, government and other organizations, as operating costs would be driven through the roof. Virtually all goods and services would greatly rise for American consumption. 

Under the Green New Deal, Americans would be mandated to power their homes with renewable energy, such as wind and solar power. Leftists love it when they can force people to buy or use stuff--it gives them a sense of power.

Every home and business in the United States would have to be “upgraded” for “state-of-the-art energy efficiency, comfort and safety.” And a slew of massive government social programs and mandates would be created if AOC has her way by the time she reaches 40.

Yet despite all these immoral negatives, the Green New Deal has gained a lot of attention and support from some leftist members of: the media, Congress, and even a few prominent senators currently considering 2020 presidential runs: Cory "Spartacus" Booker, (D-NJ); Bernie "The Red" Sanders, (I-VT); and Elizabeth "Dances With Beer Bottle" Warren, (D-MA)

In addition to the energy provisions of the Green New Deal that have received the most attention from left-wing pundits and radical environmentalists, there is a lot of important information related to this proposal that proponents have deliberately kept out of the spotlight.

Here are some extremely important things you need to know about the crappy Green New Deal.

1. The deal includes many radical programs that have nothing to do with so so-called “green” energy. They were shoved in to further AOC's socialism agenda to transform the U.S.A. into Venezuela.

Supporters of the Green New Deal spend most of their time talking and touting it to the public focusing on the proposal’s energy-related mandates. But they don't mention that some of the costliest parts of the plan are completely unrelated to the energy industry.

For example, AOC's proposal calls for the creation of “basic income programs” and single-payer health care. What that has to do with Green energy amounts to zilch.

Additionally, the Green New Deal would establish a federal jobs guarantee. This is one of the non-energy-related aspects of the plan our pretty little socialist talks about much of the time. The jobs guarantee would "mitigate deeply entrenched racial, regional and gender-based inequalities in income and wealth."

2. Not unimportantly, renewable energy is significantly more expensive than fossil fuels. 

The Green New Deal would totally eliminate all fossil fuels from generating electricity, and in transportation. Thus, Americans would have to rely on expensive and unreliable renewable technologies such as solar power and wind.

The Institute for Energy Research estimates that new solar power generation is almost five times more expensive than using existing fossil fuel-powered electricity. Wind power is 3.5 times more expensive.

Naturally, these higher costs would drive up the price of all goods and services, not just electricity bills. 

Since all manufacturing would also be required to rely on crappy “green” power, industries in the United States would struggle to match the prices of their foreign competitors, forcing some businesses to either close or move overseas. China, the world's biggest polluter, would laugh at us in Chinese.

3. The big kicker however, is that it would do nothing to curb global warming!

The main justification given by Green New Deal proponents for the radical nature of the plan is that it is necessary to slow the rise of human-caused climate change, which AOC and other libtards say will cause significant damage to the economy and human health over the next century.

Many scientists believe that there is no good evidence global warming will be catastrophic or that there’s anything humans can do to stop it. And even if we were to assume that global warming must be slowed down, the Green New Deal would do nothing to achieve this goal.

Even if the United States were able to eliminate all of its carbon dioxide emissions by the start of 2030 – something that is quite likely impossible – the increased carbon dioxide emissions of the rest of world would more than offset the reductions in America. China, India and Russia must get on board if AOC is to save the world.

Whether the Green New Deal is imposed or not, global carbon dioxide emissions are going to rise.

4. The Green New Deal would empower and give handouts to left-wing special interest groups and industries.

Some of the most vaguely-worded parts of AOC's Green New Deal plan are those that promise to increase the power of labor unions and give favors to left-wing industries. 

Nice way to try slipping in her socialism.

According to the proposal, the Green New Deal would “deeply involve national and local labor unions to take a leadership role in the process of job training and worker deployment,” and it promises the “funding [of] massive investment in the drawdown of greenhouse gases.” That’s a code phrase for giving billions of taxpayer dollars to renewable-energy companies.

Another nice try.

5. It would run up the national debt by tens of trillions of dollars.

A very conservative estimate of how much the Green New Deal would cost, it would be about  $40 trillion in its first 10 to 15 years. The Mercatus Center estimates the single-payer health-care proposal supported by AOC would, on its own, cost more than $32 trillion.

Our socialist genius has suggested one way to pay for these enormous government programs would be to increase the income tax rate for America’s wealthiest earners as high as 70 percent, but even that radical and immoral move would fail to fund the Green New Deal.

In her draft resolution, she suggests funding her Green New Deal proposal by using “the same ways that we paid for the 2008 bank bailout and extended quantitative easing programs, the same ways we paid for World War II and many other wars. The Federal Reserve can extend credit to power these projects and investments.”

In other words, Alexandria Occasionally-Conscious thinks we should pay for these left-wing proposals by running up the national debt by trillions of dollars, putting the nation’s economy at risk of collapsing.

But to say that AOC actually "thinks" is an oxymoron.

Well here we are in the beginning of a new year and the world still hasn't come to an end with President Trump in the White House, in spite of what the media and the left [but I repeat myself] would have you believe.

I hope that you will follow Brain Flushings throughout the year and feel free to comment on any issues of concern. Please subscribe and check out the sponsors on these pages too.

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