Thursday, December 20, 2018

Rep. Gutierrez says Trump's border policies would have killed Jesus

Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-IL) histrionically shouted that the Trump administration's immigration policy would have killed the sweet baby Jesus of Nazareth, Son of G-d. Unfortunately for the repulsive Rep., he knows little about Christ and probably doesn't give a fiddler's flatulence about Christianity unless he can politicize Him.

First of all, the border policies are not Trump's policies, they are the policies of the U.S. government and all Trump is doing is following the law as he swore to do when he held up his right hand to the Bible. Does Gutiérrez even own a Bible?

He attacked the Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen because he is fairly certain he could beat her in a fistfight. The misogynist used all his time at the House Judiciary Committee hearing to attack Nielsen as a "remorseless" liar for her repeated claims that the DHS does not have a family separation policy.

“It is repugnant to me and astonishing to me that during Christmas, a time in which we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ — a Jesus Christ who had to flee for his life with Mary and Joseph,” Gutiérrez said. “Thank God there wasn’t a wall that stopped him from seeking refuge in Egypt.

What a schmuck.

He bloviated on about thanking G_d that there was no wall at the time of Jesus and spoke about  the journey Christ had to endure, much like the journeys of those Christ-like migrants whose spark of divinity excuses them from following the law--a law that existed long before Trump came into office.
“Shame on everybody that separates children and allows them to stay at the other side of the border fearing death, fearing hunger, fearing sickness. Shame on us for wearing our badge of Christianity during Christmas and allow the secretary to come here and lie.”

Shame on that moron for staying silent when Obama was doing exactly the same thing and worse, they put kids in cages and pretended it was the Trump administration that did it.

Ms. Nielsen said Mr. Gutiérrez’s efforts to paint her as a liar are “fighting words.”

“I’m not a liar,” Ms. Nielsen replied. “We’ve never had a policy for family separation. I’m happy to walk the gentleman through it again. A policy of family separation would mean that any family that I encountered in the interior, I would separate. It would mean that any family that I found at port of entry, I would separate. It would mean every single family that I found illegally crossing, we would separate. We did none of those. What we did do is uphold the laws that Congress has passed and we prosecuted those who choose to come here illegally.”

She then noted that Mr. Gutierrez had slithered out of the room, perhaps because he's a cowardly scumcrumpet virtue-signaling wuss.

“He couldn’t be bothered to stay,” she said. “So I’m happy to tell the rest of the committee.”

“I take personal offense on behalf of the 240,000 men and women of the Department of Homeland Security,” she added.

If it were up to the Democrats, there would be no wall, no border and nothing to stop the flow of future Democrats into the country. If illegal migration directly affected Democrats, this would be a non-issue.

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I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

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