Sunday, December 9, 2018

Lame-stream media slams POTUS for Fox News pick for UN job

If President Trump chose not to attend the funeral of George H.W. Bush the media would have called him insensitive and probably something like adolescent. He attended and all they could talk about was how he should not have been there.

Now the lame-stream media is blasting Trump's pick to replace Nikki Haley as UN Ambassador. Heather Nauert was the person he nominated and now they're questioning her qualifications and point out that he typically picks people who have worked at, or are currently working at Fox News.

It was okay when Obama nominated another journalist/communist, Samantha Powers, in 2013, for the same position, but hey, this is Donald Trump, and anything he does will be slammed by the leftist media.

Powers, 48, was a war correspondent for four years. She covered the Yugoslav Wars for the Boston Globe and U.S. News & World Report, as well as other publications. She was a columnist for Time while being director of a human rights center at Harvard.

She joined the Obama campaign in 2008, but was quickly forced to resign after she correctly observed Hillary Clinton to be a "monster" who was "stooping to anything" to win.

After Powers' nomination to the U.N. position, many Republicans supported her nomination such as Sens. Lindsey Graham, John McCain and independent Joe Lieberman. She was confirmed by a vote of 87-10 and served for over three years then succeeded by Nikki Haley.

But now that Trump has nominated as Haley's replacement Heather Nauert, a former Fox News journalist, the media has a problem with that.

Nauert has worked as a journalist for twenty years and also served as a government affairs consultant, working on issues such as Social Security, insurance and taxes, as well a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

This is not "What About-ism," it's about media bias.

In April last year, the U.S. Department of State announced that Nauert would become the department spokesperson. This past March, she was named Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs.

But Trump nominated her so the media has a problem with that.

The geniuses at the Comedy News Network (CNN) immediately called into doubt Nauert's skills. In a section of a news piece titled "Qualifications questioned," CNN cited a "senior diplomat" who said, "This is extraordinary. Especially in the footsteps of the former ambassadors: Madeleine Albright, Susan Rice."

Susan Rice? She went on the weekend morning shows lying about Benghazi being sparked by a video when, in fact, she knew it was a lie.

In a Washington Post piece headlined "The Foxification of the Trump White House, visualized," the super-liberal rag complained about the "remarkable bit of interplay between the administration and the network that is also the only one Trump has praised regularly since taking office ..." And Obama and the left constantly attacks.

In other words, it's really getting to them.

Former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, who served under George W. Bush, noted the hypocrisy. "More than 26 reporters went into the Obama Administration. I guess that was fine with the press back then, but not now," he tweeted.

Erik Wemple, a Washington Post "reporter", responded to Fleischer's tweet: "All right: Were they from the same cable-news network -- the same cable-news network that the president watches for hours and hours each day, and gets bogus information from?"

Fleischer ate his lunch, responding: "No, silly. Barack Obama had his pick of reporters from every network, newspaper and magazine. They almost all fell for him, and those who didn’t join his Administration loved him and gave him soft coverage for 8 years."

Bite it, Wemple.

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