Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Michael Cohen says Trump will use SEAL Team Six to practically take over the world

Michael  Cohen, former President Donald Trump's former lawyer and former prison inmate, has made a bold and frightening prediction. If this doesn't scare the bejeezus out of you, then sir or madame, you are one tough customer.

Michael Cohen, the man who had the wisdom to turn on his former boss [not Bubba from the exercise yard in the slammer, but Trump] after getting caught arranging payments to silence women who claimed to have had affairs with Trump during the 2016 presidential election campaign, and have pleaded guilty to five counts of tax evasion failing to report over $4 million in income; and making false statements to a bank, and lying to Congress, and thus serving "three in the can," says that if Trump should win the upcoming presidential election, he will call in SEAL Team Six to round up his political opponents.

And then, who knows what he will have them do to those who have turned on him. Firing squad at dawn? Quiet disappearance? Something in the coffee that tastes like almonds but it isn't almonds at all?

Cohen isn't alone in this doomsday prognosticating. New Jersey congressman Bill Pascrell, Jr. believes--or at least he says he believes--that if Donald J. Trump is reelected, it will be the end of democracy, nay, civilization, as we know it. He will seize full power, there will be tanks on the streets, and chaos will ensue under a military dictatorship.

Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. 

Cohen's prediction comes a week after he said he would change his name [perhaps to Matty Cohen?] and flee the country if Trump is elected in November.

One person responded to Cohen's promise to flee the country with this tweet:
Sorry, but I don't recall the last time Michael Cohen said something that was true. At this point, I doubt that's his real name.— Jellenne 🇺🇸🌵🌞 (@jellen805) October 7, 2024
Trump was already President and had the power to attempt a takeover. He didn't, and even if a U.S. president attempted a takeover, it would never happen. Does anyone really believe the entire U.S. military and law enforcement would stand behind one person attempting a coup?

The only thing we experienced during Trump's first term was a better economy, no new wars, the decrease in illegal migration, more jobs, and greater law and order. Trump's biggest nemesis was the pandemic and he could have called for crazy measures like those called for by his replacement and the Democratic Party in general. But he didn't. 

If Trump wins in November, things will get better because he already showed us that it can. It's total bull crap to say that he would put tanks in the streets or dispatch SEAL Team Six. 

Sure the Left is scared if he wins because they know they tried to get rid of him, one way or another. And this kind of rhetoric only encourages lunatics on the Left to take action to stop Trump 'by any means necessary.'

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Michael Cohen says Trump will use SEAL Team Six to practically take over the world

Michael  Cohen, former President Donald Trump's former lawyer and former prison inmate, has made a bold and frightening prediction. If t...