Saturday, August 11, 2018

Ocasio-Cortez's brain is short-circuited or something

"Where's that dead bird again?"
Democratic socialist congressional candidate and low-information darling of the far left, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spoke with Jon Lovett, on Pod Save America.

Lovett is a former stand-up comic and an Obama/Hillary Clinton speech writer. His "life partner" is Ronan Farrow making Lovett's intersectionality creds beyond reproach.

The host asked Ocasio-Cortez for details as to how her socialist delusions would be paid for, such as universal healthcare and free college tuition. After bloviating for over two minutes, she eventually said that she has no idea. Her obfuscating rhetoric went like this:
"We don't talk about what defense costs; we're about to hit a trillion dollars in debt because of the corporate tax cuts; yet when we talk about pre-K, healthcare, college, suddenly it's unrealistic because of the cost. And it's not just bad faith Republicans that make that argument; you hear it from Democrats as well. What's your response to that?"
She sounded as if her passion equated to economic understanding, but she revealed an utter lack of knowledge regarding economics--something leftists lack as a rule. "Well, I think it's that exact same thing," she said, providing pod cast listeners with a WTF moment.

But she wasn't done:
"It's that we . . . you know they say, 'How are you going to pay for it?' as though they haven't used those same ways to pay for unlimited wars, to pay for trillion dollar tax cuts and tax cut extensions. They use these mechanisms to pay for these things all the time."
She didn't explain what those "same ways" or "mechanisms" are, but hey, she's a democratic socialist--it's all good.
Jon Lovett
But she still wasn't done with her brainy blather:
"They only want to know--it just seems like their pockets are empty when we're talking about education and investing in human capital in the United State: education, healthcare, housing, and investing in the middle class."
Investing in the middle class apparently means taking other people's money and giving it to people who didn't work for it. And the students who want to game the system by getting free college education would have the grown-ups in the room pay for it.

Still more brilliance:
"All of a sudden, there's nothing left. All of a sudden the wealthiest nation in the world, we're just totally scarce. We have complete scarcity when it comes to the things that are most important."
Yeh, like Venezuela, like, when it comes to like scarcity--of freaking food and toilet paper.

And then she said:
"And as for me, I think it belies a lack of moral priority and it's unfortunate" [that other people will not give their money to her or to others who have their hands out].
But the clincher:
"I think that--but I also think that a lot of these folks, especially those perhaps on the Democratic side, perhaps they don't even see it, you know? I don't know. I don't know if that's a generous interpretation or not, but I legitimately think that they start kind of buying into conservative talking points. [Like socialism is like stealing]. They get dragged into their court all the time. And I think it is because there's this really myopic, and also, just misunderstanding of politics [LOL] as this flat 2-dimensional left-right thing. [?] And so they always feel like, 'Okay, the Right says this thing. We have to respond to it.' And that's why they're winning. That's why they've won for the last ten years, because they've dragged us onto their court. And we refuse to have our own strong message to force them to play defense on."
And that is how the government is going to pay for her free college tuition, healthcare and infrastructure.

Oh, wait! She never actually explained how.

Maybe Bernie Sanders can tell us because Ocasio-Cortez doesn't know what the hell she's talking about.

And I believe it's time to stop blogging about her.

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