Sunday, August 12, 2018

Anti-Trump fake newsers call victories 'losses'

President Trump supported a number of candidates in a special congressional election in the primaries and in Ohio's special election, and they all won except in races too close to call. Nevertheless, he could create world peace and the media would complain about all the military folks that are jobless because of him.

"Journalists" got herniated fingers as they worked their butts off spinning a pro-leftist narrative before the voting. CNN "dummy" Don Lemon said Republicans are "people who will lie, steal, and cheat, lie to their mother, lie to themselves about what's right of this country, about truth and facts."

Lemon must get his talking points from Rosie O'Donnell, an idiot who claims Trump pays people to attend his rallies. But imagine a so-called news anchor speaking that way about half the country. No wonder CNN has become a laughable losing outlet that lacks all sense of objectivity.

Even before the votes were counted, journalists talked about a "blue wave" and hawked the idea that these elections and the midterms are "a major sign of trouble for Republicans."

Politico , that leftist garbage heap, wrote of "Democrats surging." They also said the same about Hillary Clinton in 2016--that President Hillary Clinton would be occupying the Oval Office in January 2017. Strike two for those dumpster divers.

CNBC's John Harwood tweeted his thought that winning in these elections was a sign the GOP was going to lose in November. But since the GOP won, he has been quiet about his predictions.

The media also underreported and distorted the fact that midterm elections are typically bad for the party in the White House. But in 2014 NPR explained "History tells us that midterm elections are bad--sometimes very bad--for the party that controls the White House." This way, if the left would have won, the message would have been: "See, the midterms are a referendum on the Trump administration."

Until news outlets stop suppressing stories that don't fit their agendas, [such as Islamic terrorism, Democrats and immigrants who commit crimes], or tell the complete story [such as the fact that all criminals are separated from the parent(s) who commits crimes, not just illegal immigrants], people will turn to other sources for their information.

And finally, journalists need to return to the roots of journalism: neutrality.

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