Saturday, August 11, 2018

'Unite the Right' may have to walk and go hungry at rally on Sunday

The "alt-right" is the same as the far left and Antifa. They are filled with hate and have a combined IQ of a retarded worm. "Unite the Right" is one of those rallies in which groups of white supremacists plan to go to Washington D.C. on Sunday and probably get involved with busting Antifa heads and vice versa.

More than two-dozen hate-crime charges were filed against the suspect in the Charlottesville car attack that killed counter-protester Heather Heyer.

White supremacists and white nationalists will be in D.C. for the second "Unite the Right" rally, but they may have to walk and bring along their own food because Uber and Lyft may refuse them rides if they are harassed or threatened, and local D.C. restaurants may refuse them service.

In preparation for the event near the White House, Uber and Lyft told their drivers that they have the right to kick a passenger out of their car if problems exist with their behavior.

One would think this would go without saying.

Also, the Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington sent a toolkit to restaurateurs regarding their legal rights to refuse service to white nationalists and other political fringe groups [aka Antifa, democratic socialists], The Washingtonian reported.

Twitter also suspended many accounts associated with the Proud Boys, a group of right wing chauvinists on Friday on the eve of the anniversary of the deadly "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, according to The Guardian.

Airbnb had previously threatened to ban hosts who participate in the rally, Fox News reported.

"When we identify and determine that there are those who would be pursuing behavior on the Airbnb platform that would be antithetical to the Airbnb Community Commitment, we seek to take appropriate action, which may include removing them from the platform," the company said in a state to Fox News.

"Unite the Right" scumcrumpet Jason Kessler obtained a permit for Lafayette Park across from the White House. He expects about 400 low IQ  racists to show up.

The first "Unite the Right" rally was held in Charlottesville, Virginia August 12, 2017. It resulted in violent clashes between white supremacists, counter-protesters, and violent Antifa fascists. This was the event in which Heather Heyer was mowed down by a car that went crashing into the crowd to intentionally hurt or kill counter-protesters.

"Regardless of event, drivers are advised to follow all local laws but have the right to refuse service to riders who are disrespectful or who make them feel unsafe," Uber's message read. Lyft had a similar message to its drivers.

The Washingtonian interviewed several restaurant owners who said they will refuse service to those participating in the rally, or they may close altogether.

"Our mentality is we're going to protect each other. This is our city. Our house. Our people," Founding Farmers owner Dan Simons told The Washingtonian.

"There are times when a guest can be rude to an employee and you swap out the server. We've told our team: this isn't what that is. You don't have to be in a room with someone who's advocating for your death and enslavement," Simons added.

Ellen Kassoff Gray, who owns the Equinox restaurant in the area said she would also refuse to serve those who espouse hate.

"I'll proudly stay open and serve those who're respectful and kind. But being a Jewish restaurant owner and have a pro-Nazi group come to town, would I refuse service? Yes, I would," she said.

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