Sunday, August 19, 2018

CNN guest screams at Trump supporter to 'We're done, get out!'

A debate-challenged Creative News Network (CNN) guest named Phil Mudd was on a panel with Paris Dennard, a deplorable Trump supporter. They were discussing the John Brennan situation in which Democratic operative, Brennan, lost his security clearance.

The debate got very heated over the issue of President Trump revoking Brennans's clearance on Friday night.

It went like this:

"A lot of these people that have these security clearances, and this is the secret in swampy Washington, D.C., they have them and they keep them because it's profitable for them after they leave government," Dennard said. "Because if you have a security clearance, especially high level security clearances, your contracts and your consultation gig pay you a lot more money because of the access you have."

Mudd tried to debate with: "When I am requested to sit on an advisory board, let me ask you one question, how much do you think I'm paid to do that at the request of the U.S. Government? Give me one answer, and you've got ten seconds. How much?"

Dennard was being timed by Mudd and said, "Well, I will be clear in saying that everybody in Washington, D.C. knows if you don't want to be honest about it, that's on you, but if you have a security clearance and you keep it, you get more money to have it."

Mudd, who forgot that it wasn't his show shouted: "We're done. We're done. Get out!" He looked as if he was going to spit and maybe shout the "N" word, but he held it together.

See the video below for the entire confrontation.

Dennard wasn't a bit flustered. He came back with: "It's not your show. I'm staying right here. Don't be so defensive about this. Your voice is still here. You can still do whatever you want. But the politicalization [sic] of the intelligence community under this administration with the people coming on here every day, tweeting and talking about this administration, you all have made it about politics."

Mudd reaction is no different than those of many Democrats who can't stand it when conservatives or anyone with different views try to debate them publicly. Ocasio-Cortez is a good example of this, but her reason is not that she can't stand the opposite viewpoint, she's afraid to debate the opposition. Mudd thinks by trying to intimidate the other side that he's a winner.

The only winners he has are in his nose.

Finally, notice how the host on CNN never takes a neutral position but does all that he can to defend Mudd.

Security clearances are a privilege not an entitlement. If these people are called in to discuss matters [and Brennan never will be one of those people] there can be a way to restore the clearance quickly rather than paying $20,000 every few years to renew them for each individual.

Your comments are welcome here whether you agree or disagree.

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