Sunday, August 19, 2018

Calif. bill to limit kids' choice of drinks in restaurants

First they came for my burrito . . . 

Sacramento -- If California gets its way, and it probably will, a new bill will pass giving kids only two choices of beverage at restaurants: milk or water which will not be imbibed through a plastic straw.

Senate Bill 1192 would order milk or water to be the default beverage for kids. The reason for the bill is to reduce obesity and other bills are likely to be considered to the same end.

For example, the state senate is considering a bill to end the sale of all products containing over 15 percent of fat or sugar, and includes, but is not limited to: bacon, burgers, chicken, chips of all kinds, ice cream, donuts, fries, beer, pizza, cheeses, all fried foods, candy, chocolate, cakes, croissants, and butter.

Bill 1192 has passed the ASSembly and is on its way to Gov. Moonbeam's desk. After he signs it, California will be the first state in the nation to experience an internal revolution or exodus, whichever residents choose.
Will get you 10 to 20 years in the slammer
"Cancer is fought in the halls of government, not just in the halls of the hospital," Stephanie Winn of the American Cancer Society said. "And if we have to make laws to stop you from destroying yourselves, that's just too damn bad. Deal with it," she added.

Her group is just one of many supporting a government that knows what's best for us and will force us to make the right choices because those will be the only ones left to make.

Winn [no relation to Steve, I think] argues that kid's meals shouldn't come with a side order of diseases or flavor.

The bill still allows parents to order alternatives, but they will have to ask for it, and if they do, they will be monitored and recorded for additional child abuse behavior, such as super-sizing, which will carry significant legal penalties.

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