Sunday, August 19, 2018

Bolton suggest Brennan may have misused classified info.

National Security Adviser John Bolton suggested on Sunday that former CIA director John "Verbose" Bolton may have misused classified information and that the "unprecedented leaks" from this administration may be the catalyst for broader change in how security clearances are handled.

It's about time.

Bolton was in the Jewish State for the first time in his role as a Trump administration official. He was there to discuss national security issues with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu along with other top officials.

"In terms of what [Brennan] said, since he left, a number of people have commented that he couldn't be in the position he is in, criticizing Trump, unless he did use classified info," Bolton told the leftist ABC's "This Week" on Sunday. "I don't know the specifics, but I do know when he was [CIA] director, I was troubled by comments in public, and the politicization."

The mustachioed Bolton added: "My opinion is that he was politicizing intelligence," and saying that Brennan failed to keep intact the "wall of separation between intelligence and policy."

POTUS revoked Brennan's unnecessary security clearance on Wednesday, saying [Trump never suggests, he says] that Brennan has politicized his security clearance and misled Congress about CIA spying in the Senate.

He also voted for the Communist Party and called Trump treasonous, which is a death penalty offense.

Bolton suggested that a broader review of who should retain their security clearance after leaving government service may be needed.

"I think it's certainly appropriate in a time of unprecedented leaks of classified info," he said. "I don't see that there would be anything wrong if it were determined to go that way to review the policies about former officials having clearances. Sometimes it can be useful."

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