Sunday, February 18, 2018

Top GOP donor threatens to stop funding if they don't do as he says

"I will not write another check" unless GOP candidates support assault weapons ban, threatened Al Hoffman Jr., a Florida-based real estate developer, according to The New York Times

In an email to six Republican leaders on Saturday, Hoffman denounced the spate of mass shootings across the United States over the years and demanded that GOP politicians do what he tells them to do: go against the Second Amendment and take away the American citizens' right to self-defense.

"I will not write another check unless they all support a ban on assault weapons," he wrote in an email to The Times. "Enough is enough!"

Interestingly, Hoffman did not implore former President Barack Obama to do the same regarding what he labels 'assault weapons' when the Democrats had control of both the House and Senate.

Somehow the left, and some like Hoffman, believe that tighter gun laws will put an end to these horrific mass shootings. It turns out that the gun laws are as effective as "gun-free zones," a place where shooters go where they know that nobody will shoot back.

In an interview with the ultra-liberal Times, Hoffman said he reached the "end of the road" supporting candidates who refused to back tighter gun laws. He did not mention exactly how tighter gun laws will decrease the number of mass shootings because they can't.

It seems that one way to begin dealing with this problem should begin at home. Parents teaching their kids to respect all life. Parents being parents instead of buddies, getting rid of violent video games that normalize killing, monitoring their kids, having 'family time.'

And the media needs to stop putting up photos of the killers and saying their names over and over, analyzing the crime all day long into the night. [You know who you are, Fox News.]

Schools cannot be "gun-free zones." The kids need to be protected by trained people with guns, particularly concealed guns carried by security and teachers who know how to use a firearm. It would be wise to limit entrances to school and have exits that only open from inside the building. Yes, and airport-style detectors with armed security would definitely limit the danger to students.

Consider how Israel does their security--they have virtually no mass shootings at their schools because they can't afford to be politically correct. 

The same is true at their airports--when have you ever heard of an El-Al flight being blown up?

When someone suspicious is identified, be it face-to-face or on social media [as in "see something, say something"] there must be follow-up by law enforcement. If agencies such as the FBI fail to act as they did in Parkland, Florida, people are going to become complacent.

Learning to profile potential mass shooters needs to become "Mission One" to authorities, and political correctness needs to go by way of the dinosaur.

Hoffman, like most liberals, see gun control laws as a simple solution. That's a fool's way of thinking. We need to change the culture and ensure the perpetrators remain a footnote in the media.

It should go without saying that people who go on shooting rampages are mentally ill or carry out a mentally ill religious belief. 

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