Saturday, December 16, 2017

Planned Parenthood's head attacks Paul Ryan for call to increase U.S. births

How horrible--the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan is suggesting to Americans to have more children. Planned Parenthood is agog--they'll go out of business if this becomes the trend.

Ryan's rationale is that the more children Americans have, the more viable Social Security and other government programs will be in the future. But even Ryan, who is Catholic, doesn't believe that abortion is ever the right path to take with unwanted pregnancies.

Cecile Richards, head of Planned Parenthood and a woman who never met a baby she wouldn't abort, went onto social media Friday to attack the idea that male lawmakers should use their bully pulpit to have the audacity of Judeo-Christian values to discuss the national birth rate.

Shame, shame Paul Ryan. You who would have babies born to women who didn't want them because they're an inconvenience or whatever. I remember Barack Obama opining over his not wanting his daughters to have the inconvenience of having a baby. 

This is the immorality of the left.

Ryan said: "I did my part, but we need to have higher birth rates in this country. Baby boomers are retiring, and we have fewer people following them in the work force. We have something like a 90 percent increase in the retirement population in America, but only a 19 percent increase in the working population in America. So what do we have to do? Be smarter, more efficient, more technology--still going to need more people."

Ms. Richards, who has already been born and has nothing to fear, head the organization which has been in the business of killing the unborn since 1916. Founded by racist and anti-Semitic, Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood boasts more life-ending work than the United States Marine Corps, and with a lot less bravery, patriotism and conscience. 

Richards tweeted her rage and linked to a Think Progress piece with alternative suggestions:
"If more members of Congress could get pregnant, maybe they wouldn't tell the rest of us when and why to get pregnant. " --(@CecileRichards) December 15, 2017
The Think Progress article recommends increased immigration because liberals can only sing one note.

"There's an obvious solution to the problem that Ryan completely ignores--allowing more immigrants into the country to fill the jobs being vacated by retiring baby boomers," Planned Parenthood's Aaron Rupar said.

When you get right down to it, Planned Parenthood doesn't plan parenthood-it plans the termination to its possibility in the potential parent cases brought to them.

More immigration is definitely not the solution to the problem. Ending abortion is a start, but so is having more children. At the rate we're going, the nation is already going to be outnumbered by immigrants anyway.

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