Friday, November 3, 2017

Bergdahl walks with dishonorable discharge

The traitor who walked off his post 2009 in Afghanistan and had military personnel looking for him, some of whom were killed and others seriously injured for life, is getting a slap on the wrist. 

Bowe Bergdahl is getting no prison time and only a dishonorable discharge, which his lawyers are going to fight, they said. He has been demoted to private and will probably write a memoir which the left will gladly purchase.

"He served with honor and distinction," then National Security Advisor Susan Rice said of Bergdahl. She was also the person who, on five Sunday morning TV shows, blamed a video for the attack on the compound in Benghazi.

It turns out the honor she referred to was how he honored the Taliban, and the distinction was how he was distinctly a traitor.

President Trump, who had his Twitter account restored after a disgruntled employee shut it down for eleven minutes, tweeted:
"The decision on Sergeant Bergdahl is a complete and total disgrace to our Country and to our Military."
Bergdahl walked out of court Friday a free scumcrumpet after pleading guilty to endangering his comrades. He was fined, reduced to the rank of E1 and dishonorably discharged. That was all.

As part of his slap on his weak wrist, he will forfeit his pay of $1,000 per month for ten measly months.

The private was shaking and seemed emotional as the verdict was read. It is not known if he plans to have a sex change procedure but if he does, it's obvious the left will see him as an even bigger hero than they see him now.

In a moment of complete incomprehensible illogic, Bergdahl's defense attorney, Capt. Nina Banks, said it would not be justice to rescue Bergdahl from the Taliban "only to place him in a cell" now. She believes he has been punished enough and "paid a bitter price for the choices that he made."

So did a lot of dead and injured-for-life military people.

A psychiatrist testified that the scumcrumpet's decision to walk into the arms of the Taliban because he hated the United States was influenced by schizotypal personality disorder that made it difficult for him to understand the consequences of his traitorous actions that got people killed. That, coupled with post-traumatic stress disorder caused in part by a difficult childhood, should be reason enough to allow him to walk free with only a dishonorable discharge.

POS Bergdahl's thinking wasn't as clouded as the pseudo shrink asserted. After he was traded by Obama for five high-ranking, now missing, Taliban members, he said he walked off his post to draw attention to problems with his unit, describing to an investigating officer how he saw the missing-soldier alert unfolding. He also said the call goes "all the way up to Army command, it goes to Air Force, it goes to Marines . . . It goes to every high point and everybody finds out about it."

And this is why Trump is president.

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