Saturday, August 26, 2017

California proposes taxing a human right

Sacramento -- For the first time ever, Californians will have to pay a tax on drinking water. Soon they may need to pay a tax on breathable air and sunshine as the state begins to move further to the left and financial failure looms large.

The proposed tax is 95 cents a month now, but who knows what it will be in the future as long as the state is being run by socialists? They claim the legislation is due to the  pervasiveness of unsafe tap water, but whose fault is that? Trump's?

Dirty water
The reason for the contaminated water, they say, is due to agricultural runoff (aka cow crap in the water) but rather than fixing the problem with proper drainage systems, they would rather throw money at the problem, and some of that money will undoubtedly end up in the wrong pockets.

Senate Bill 623 is supported by a coalition of the agricultural lobby and environmental groups, but opposed by water districts. It should generate $2 billion over 15 years to clean up contaminated groundwater and improve water systems and wells that should have never fallen into disrepair in the first place.

"My message is short and direct: We are not Flint, Michigan," co-author Sen. Robert Hertzberg (D-Van Nuys) said at a rally in Sacramento where demonstrators held up signs saying "Clean water is not a luxury" and "Water is a human right."

Searching for water
Many Californians know more about the water problem in Flint than they do in their own state. These are the same people who don't know who the first U.S. president was, or why we fought the Civil War, but they want those statues to come down "onnaconna it's wrong to keep them up."

Due to the fact that SB 623 includes new taxes (as is the wont of the left) to pass, it will need a two-thirds vote in each house.

"Wet my lips . . . now new taxes."

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