Saturday, August 26, 2017

Canada: Fake 'Islamophobia' charge dropped

Whitby -- When a Muslim falsifies a hate crime and it is discovered, the charges against the victim of the accused are dropped, as they should be. But what happens to the accuser (aka liar) in those cases?


There is no punishment, no downside and they are held as poor martyrs and raise hundreds of thousands of dollars in fraudulent kickstarter campaigns.

Meanwhile, innocent and decent infidels are smeared in the process.

The post reads: "Charges dropped in Whitby hate incident, police say Muslim man exaggerated interaction," by Reka Szekely,, August 26, 2017.

Assault charges were levied agains a 57-year-old infidel from Whitby in what police originally said was a hate incident. The charges have since been dropped and Durham police believe the complainant's story was "embellished" and the Crown has dropped the assault charges.

"We're not getting into too much of the details, the story--after doing further investigation--revealed inconsistencies and also he admits to exaggerating the story," said Constable George Tudos.

A 22-year-old Muslim man said that he was approached in the washroom on August 12th and was punched in the face by the accused. The 57-year-old man was arrested on August 18th.

Const. Tudos did not provide the media with specifics regarding which aspects of the Muslim man's story was a lie, but said the police will not be charging the 22-year-old man and also gave no specifics as to why no charges would be filed over the false police report.

The 22-year-old left the police station and all he could say to himself under his breath was "Allahu Akbar."

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