Saturday, October 15, 2016

More Trump accusers from years gone by

It has become a media circus with the Donald Trump sexual misconduct accusers. Soon, even Jill Stein might think about jumping on the "Trump Touched Me" bandwagon in order to gin up sympathy and perhaps three more votes in her bid for the White House.

Two more women accused Trump of sexual assault Friday. However, a relative of one of the women said that the allegation was "an attempt to regain the spotlight." 

No, it isn't Monica Lewinsky.

Summer Zervos, a former contestant on "The Apprentice" said Trump groped her and kissed her after a meeting at a Beverly Hills hotel in 2007 to discuss a job. She spoke at a press conference with her "Lawyer of the Stars" Gloria Allred and said that after the groping and kissing she was offered a lower-paying job at one of Trump's golf courses.

"You do not have the right to treat women as sexual objects just because you are a star," Zervos said, directing her verbiage at Trump [rather than Bill Clinton] as an old fashioned cash register went "Cahching" in Allred's head. 

On Friday, the Trump campaign released a statement purported to be from John Barry, a cousin of Zervos, in which he said he was "shocked and bewildered" by her account.

Barry said in the statement that Zervos spoke highly of Trump until he refused an invitation to visit her restaurant during the primary campaign. "I think Summer wishes she could still be on reality TV, and in an effort to get that back she's saying all of these negative things about Mr. Trump. That's not how she talked about him before."

Trump's wife, Melania, said that Zervos was a "narcissistic loony toon" oh wait--that was Hillary describing Monica Lewinsky after her husband had sex with her when she was his 21-year-old intern.

My mistake.

Trump issued a statement saying he "never met [Zervos] at a hotel or greeted her inappropriately a decade ago. That is not who I am as a person, and it is not how I've conducted my life." He also said that she emailed him in April asking if he could visit her restaurant in California.

Allred said that Zervos is not filing suit at this time, but has said that "many more women" have contacted her about Donald Trump.


Trump is claiming all of the controversy was "a total setup" made up of "lies spread by the media" to undermine his campaign. 

That may be true, and it probably is to some extent, but Trump isn't helping himself by making fun of her saying: "The only way they can figure they can slow it down is to come up with people that are willing to say 'Oh I was with Donald Trump in 1980,'" in a voice mocking his accusers. "I was sitting with him on an airplane and he went after me on the plane.' Yeah, I'm gonna go after you . . . "

"Believe me, she would not be my first choice, I can tell you," he concluded.

Mocking her appearance is not going to win Trump any major votes with women. But that isn't why he said it. For Trump, it's more important to defend his masculinity and ego than it is to be prudent and strategic in this election. 

He acts as if his base can vote twice for him. That's only true for Democrats.

Speaking of strategy, all of this scandalous garbage has taken the focus off Hillary Clinton's WikiLeaks document dump.

This is what Trump needs to be focused on, not his ego needs.

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