Thursday, March 17, 2016

Bergdahl had mental disorder but like him, it went away

According to investigators, Bowe Bergdahl had a psychiatric disorder when he deserted his Afghanistan post in 2009, Fox News reports.

The disorder, known as Islamophilia, occurs when a person spends inordinate amounts of time reading the Koran and praying five times a day with head to hell and ass to heaven . Strong negative feelings about anyone who does not feel and believe the same way is quite common to the disorder along with a concomitant hatred of Jews and Israel.

In an attempt to sound politically correct, the July 2015 document shows that an Army Sanity Board Evaluation states that Bergdahl suffered from schizotypal personality disorder when he left the post. People exhibiting symptoms from this personality disorder have great difficulty interpreting social cues and can develop a paranoid distrust of others.

As anyone with a background in psychology can tell you, personality disorders (aka Axis II disorders) don't get "cured." They are part of the individual's makeup and do not "go away." Thus, if Bergdahl had it, he still has it.  Axis II disorders do not go away--he needs to have his head examined again.

Bergdahl's lawyers made the documents public to show his desertion was just part of his personality. Well, not really--they want to make us believe that he had a mental disorder.

But when you think about it, orthodox Islam actually is a mental disorder.

You may recall how Bergdahl's hippy dippy daddy spoke in Arabic to his deserter son with Obama standing beside him. Bergdahl's mommy, who might as well been wearing flowers in her hair and Birkenstocks stood by. It was a proud moment in Islamic history.

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